Can I control Magix Music Maker 15 using my KORG NanoKONTROL?

Redtail schrieb am 29.10.2009 um 01:32 Uhr
I was recently ambitious enough to purchase KORG's nanoKEY controller for Magix Music Maker 15. I was able to install the keyboard and have it working with MAGIX flawlessly in under half of an hour. This had me very pleased, both with KORG and Magix.

However, my preference for an outboard (hardware) interface for fader control and transport caused me to impulsively purchase a KORG nanoKONTROL unit, which I expected would be just as easy to install and operate on Magix Music Maker 15.

This has not been the case, and I am confused and frustrated, as my nanoKONTROL unit, while recognized by both Magix and the KORG USB-MIDI drivers on my computer, simply does nothing.

Does this mean I have to manually map the controller? If so, can you offer any advice on how to do this?

Thank you in advance. I really want to use my nanoKONTROL and I greatly prefer Magix Music Maker's versatility and simplicity over that of any other DAW package I've ever used.


Procyon schrieb am 29.10.2009 um 04:36 Uhr
As we've recently learned, MAGIX Music Maker is not a proper DAW.

That would mean your nanoKONTROL will be of no use with MMM.  I assume it means that MMM will only respond to note ON/OFF and velocity messages from your keyboard.

I've been meaning to ask about that.  Hopefully NoTurning will jump in and clear this up for all of us.
NoTurning schrieb am 29.10.2009 um 13:50 Uhr
You're right Procyon - the nanoKontrol will not work fully with Music Maker, only as a MIDI keyboard.

MM responds to basic MIDI standard only. Examples of this would be NOTE ON, NOTE OFF, ATTACK VELOCITY, RELEASE VELOCITY, SUSTAIN, DURATION AND ETC.

As Procyon pointed out: Music Maker is not a true DAW.