
Vecchio utente ha scritto il 10.09.2017 ore 07:57


das sind die alte Loops, die kenne ich...☀️

0:44 - 0:51 ...was ist das für ein Geräusch?

schöne Sommer-Musik...gefällt mir

herzliche Grüße


RNG1971 ha scritto il 10.09.2017 ore 09:30

Excellent !!! I loved it !!!



Vecchio utente ha scritto il 10.09.2017 ore 09:35

Hi Stu!

Yes, for germany is to late :-)) Here, the summer is over! But your music, brings the summer back! Thank you, my friend. I put my T-Shirt on and feel good. Very very nice music.

Best wishes and good luck for all what you do!

regards The TeamCOB

Pat_02 ha scritto il 10.09.2017 ore 13:52

Aie ! mon cher ami,

cela faisait longtemps que tu n'avais rien mis sur Magix.

Merci pour l'invitation.

Super ! cela commence par du easy listening et enchaîné par du Jazz, puis se termine à nouveau avec les "grillons" qui chantent l'été en fin de journée, lol !

En introduction, après les Grillons, il y a une jolie guitare, puis du saxe, harmonium et puis plus tard à 2,35 minutes de la guitare électrique et un joli piano également à 3,09 minutes.

Bravo ! l'ami, c'est un très bon et plaisant Jazz.

C'est très bien fait, donc un coup de cœur mérité.

Bon dimanche et à bientôt.

Salutations amicales.


info4u2 ha scritto il 10.09.2017 ore 13:58


Thank you for contacting about your new track upload, I have not worked out how to to that yet!

I enjoyed your latest offering with lots of different instruments featuring at different time throughout the track with very nice blends that kept my interest, beautifully balanced sound levels, great choice of instruments, well done.



Jinty ha scritto il 10.09.2017 ore 22:11

Hello stuallan,

It's a lovely track, I like it!!!!!!!

All the best,


franco-galateo ha scritto il 11.09.2017 ore 10:33

the song is very well done .. nice music and impact ... musically I really liked it ..
all very simple, but of great quality ..
Hello Franco

Huck ha scritto il 11.09.2017 ore 17:55

gerne gehört ha scritto il 12.09.2017 ore 01:17

Hello Stu..

easy positive musik something for relaxing you have done) can good imaging this music somewhere for adwertising for travelings..

All the best


TrishM ha scritto il 12.09.2017 ore 15:41

I wrote a comment and I dont' see it! Where did it go???!?!

Let me see....I said something like...I really like the guitar sound you use and I like the way you use it. I also like the jazz vibe you have going ont througnout the piece. Great instrument selection and you let each one have their place in the sun....a time to show off their improv skills. This is the real deal, Stu



Nickillus ha scritto il 16.09.2017 ore 11:30

Lovely piece, Stuallan. Really lovely. The 'easy' grace with which this flows is wonderful. You've pitched the blend of instruments just right to be mellow but have that little bit of edge, nudging at the corners. Superb arrangement/composition. One of my favourites of yours so far, and that's saying something given your already great track record - pun intended.


Dad.on.the.moon ha scritto il 19.11.2017 ore 10:49

Bonjour mon ami,

merci pour l'invit, heureux de t'écouter à nouveau, je trouves ton morceau excellent, le rythme sonne soleil et vacances, c'est parfaitement maîtriser avec des instruments qui s'harmonisent idéalement entres eux, la mélodie est impeccable, excellent mon ami 👏


Father_of_Joy ha scritto il 30.12.2017 ore 16:15

Hi Stu!

This year, I wasn't particularly active in this community. So I'm listening to your great summer track at the end of the year. 😎

Thanks for this jazzy feeling. And by the way, I wish you a lucky and healthy start into the New Year!

HellRaiser ha scritto il 01.05.2018 ore 11:44

This is nice music. With a happy brass section. YEAH 🙂 Also the jazz guitar is great. And now a piano! Lots of instruments! Really funny and a big contrast to all the techno stuff here ❤️

stuallan ha scritto il 01.05.2018 ore 12:15

Thank you very much for checking this out, very much appreciated.

Best regards,
