Why does it take 8-9 hours to burn or mixdown a 36mins movie as MPEG2?

pitson schrieb am 12.07.2012 um 13:37 Uhr

I am using  Movie Edit Pro 16 HD

My computer uses MS Widows XP Media Center Edition ver 2002 Service pack2

IntelR Core TM2 CPU 2.99GB Ram


Previousily I used to mixdown or burn as MPEG 2 a one and half hour movie took about 3-4 hours but now 1st time a 36mins takes 9hrs?


john-auvil schrieb am 12.07.2012 um 15:41 Uhr

I am not sure why, It could be either the complexity of the project, or perhaps other applications installed on your system that are active from the startup menu (meaning they have no graphic loaded), which are now increasing the  the strain on the resources.

Is the program and the burn routines for the program updated with their latest patches?

gandjcarr schrieb am 12.07.2012 um 19:26 Uhr

Hi, I would like to add some comments for you in addition to those provided by john-auvil, and by the way he is right on the money.  MEP provides some really amazing features like transitions, special effects, title, etc.  All of which consume memory when trying to mixdown, render, and burn a DVD, or even export the production as a file.  The MPEG 2 format of encoding while it is the broadcast standard, and most DVDs that you buy use this format, it too consumes large amounts of memory, much larger than the MPEG 4 format.  If you select HD1 or HD2 when you try to burn or export instead of say DVD, you are looking at consuming even more memory.  Add to that any applications that are running in the background such as web browsers, email apps, windows widgets etc, and your 3GB of RAM can very quickly be allocated out to other applications and not the burning process. Disc accest times for both your hard drive and your DVD drive will also impact speed.  I run a Quad Core CPU with 6GB of RAM and that often does not seem to be fast enough.  Windows XP is also notoriously slower than Window 7 in handling video. 

When you go to burn shut down every application that is not related to the Windows OS and your burning application.  Also load one of the videos that used to burn quickly into MEP and see how long they take to burn.  Please let us know what happens.

pitson schrieb am 13.07.2012 um 16:34 Uhr

Hi Goerge and John

Thanks a lot for your suggestions and comments

Tried out some of them...

the video I was trying to burn did have a lot of effects and transitions

I was able to progress with it and it took 5 hours to burn (instead of the 8 it had indicated earlier)

Thanks again
