
Sect.23 schrieb am 04.07.2008 um 08:45 Uhr

Great song! Nice variations.

That noise! at precisely 3:10. I have the same problem. Drives me MAD!!! 
Some kind of glitch or something in the program. Maybe Magix could issue a patch?

Cosmic_Paul schrieb am 04.07.2008 um 10:25 Uhr
A nice mood and atmosphere you have created ... seduce to dream ... on  island paradise!

bw Paul
ZIGGI schrieb am 04.07.2008 um 18:34 Uhr
Very good!
seraphin schrieb am 04.07.2008 um 20:04 Uhr
Hello, it's a very good song, i love this ! But incas didn't was violins ....

masni schrieb am 04.07.2008 um 21:27 Uhr
very Good  !! Ciao Carl
Voyager_Music schrieb am 04.07.2008 um 22:33 Uhr
Excellent song, well done.

If you have time have a listen to my album 'Worlds Apart' on my site, the songs are in this style.

Kind Regards

webguy schrieb am 05.07.2008 um 00:59 Uhr
Very good! There should be a way to download these songs, or buy the download.  Also a place for composers to upload royalty free content for video makers like me. :-)
Ehemaliger User schrieb am 05.07.2008 um 11:23 Uhr
 Hi Williams ....

Ehemaliger User schrieb am 05.07.2008 um 15:45 Uhr
Sect.23 schrieb am 04.08.2008 um 03:00 Uhr
Absolutely EPIC!!~
Love this tune!....(fav)
Hydrogen65 schrieb am 23.10.2008 um 17:36 Uhr
Wow , it is a big track, super song....
complements from my.
Bye ...
Guitorb schrieb am 25.10.2008 um 18:34 Uhr
 I'm glad I found this one. I would like to see Magix provide the date that these songs are posted. The "More Songs by..." feature is nice. That's how I found this one. As always,your songs are full of texture and ear candy,two things that I prize.
beabea schrieb am 21.07.2009 um 00:21 Uhr
Wunderschöne Musik...
vitekarnon schrieb am 01.05.2010 um 13:27 Uhr
Hi, WOW , WOW and WOW , I like it so beautiful.
I'm new on MMM 15 , how I can to see sample of your work , I mean on MMM file, how i can learn ?I want to learn more.!!!
djroar schrieb am 08.05.2013 um 22:39 Uhr

Ahh great music 

Zuletzt geändert von djroar am 08.05.2013, 22:39, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Music has always been part of my life. I started making music as a hobby for a couple of years ago. I work in an aluminum production plant, hard work but I'm not complaining.

Cheers Music friends :-)