My Home Forever.

Roxall schrieb am 11.03.2017 um 23:57 Uhr

My 7 year old son wrote this song using magix soundpools. This is his performance. His vocals.

I showed him how to make simple cut and paste soundpool songs and when I came home from work a few days ago, He came up with this. He then asked me to make me sound "really good". All I did was give the song some structure. A beginning and end, Added the bass line for added depth, added effects, Mixed it and produced it.

Proud. Kid is very creative.


fpescobedo schrieb am 12.03.2017 um 02:07 Uhr

Coo! A new artist!!!

Ehemaliger User schrieb am 12.03.2017 um 17:11 Uhr

Hola amigo,yo he visto un comentario tuyo en mi musica,con los cambios no lo pude ver ... Hoy he visto su mensaje,Disculpas por mi tardar...😊 Aqui un tema macnifico...Voz de un niño,por desgracia mi Ingles es muy limitado,pero esta musica este sonido me ha gustado mucho,Bravo ...Un gran saludo del Tecraon...😉

ide schrieb am 12.03.2017 um 23:55 Uhr

Intresant cool 👂👆👍

franco-galateo schrieb am 13.03.2017 um 13:13 Uhr

interesting job compositional compliment , track exellent


HellRaiser schrieb am 14.03.2017 um 19:17 Uhr

A new star is born 😊 Nice idea and a great performance of your son 😉 It's a contrast to your usual music, but I like it ❤️

TrishM schrieb am 16.03.2017 um 14:42 Uhr

I would never have thought to do something like this but my kids are older and there were not these tools to use. I think it's great to get your kid(s) involved in music and the production of music by a kid is something rarely seen. I'll tell you a former music teacher in public school, I would have been totally blown away by this accomplishment from a 7 year old. It would be great to demonstrate to the rest of the kids in class how music and technology are used in the making of music. I would say that most young kids in the US would not be exposed to using computers to make music.....unless the school had a lot of money. Ha! Music and art are the first programs to be cut in favor of sports sports and more sports which is sadl. And now there may be additional extreme cuts to music and humanities (with the new President we have).

Good for you for showing your son how to do this. I hope he will have more to post here in the future.


Doh_Project schrieb am 26.06.2017 um 22:30 Uhr

A star is born ! 🆒👍👍👍👏👏👏🙂

Pat_02 schrieb am 29.06.2017 um 13:00 Uhr

Oui la relève est assurée et bien assurée, bravo! et la musique est très belle aussi et originale.

Cette musique et chanson dégage une atmosphère que j'aime beaucoup, c'est agréable à écouter et ça nous transporte ailleurs.

J'ai à nouveau un coup de cœur et j'aime ce qui sort de l'ordinaire.

Mes félicitations, c'est très beau et très bien fait.

Salutations amicales.
