
Roxall schrieb am 23.05.2015 um 00:22 Uhr
Titel: Run
Künstler: Breed 2.0
Album: Breed 2.0

The blistering 2nd track of my homemade album. My music is created, composed and produced entirely using Magix music maker 2014 and music studio 2. The vocals are the only external "instrument".


Ehemaliger User schrieb am 26.05.2015 um 21:36 Uhr

great, reminds me of good old rob zombie

Ehemaliger User schrieb am 27.05.2015 um 14:46 Uhr

As with other pieces presented, I repeat, that the music offered in its style is definitely professional.
Then you may or may not like the style, but the sound quality is amazing


Pyrex schrieb am 19.07.2015 um 23:48 Uhr

Its me again:-) ...and its 5* again, hehe.

Maybe the end is a bit long.

Super-(Rammstein)-Part(s) between ca. 2.00 - 3.00 !!!

Zuletzt geändert von Pyrex am 19.07.2015, 23:48, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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Ehemaliger User schrieb am 26.07.2015 um 14:35 Uhr

Hooooo,si...Esto esta muy en mi linea de Rock duro,,,buen cante,me recuerda un poco al James Dio...Un poco a Angus tambien,Buen rock aqui... Me gusta esta manera,diversion aqui,Buenas cosas te desea...Tecraon

martinheeremans schrieb am 20.01.2016 um 01:22 Uhr

Dam, straight up, this is hardcore heavy metal.

I love the hammering guitar work here, it sounds so real and even when the guitars lighten up in sections, they still are being the perfect lead instrument for this track.

You're rolling bass line, matched with all the epic drum work, distorted guitar riffs and your vocals. You would have to of produced to one of the best underground metal album I have heard, ever.

And I looove grung/Heavy Metal bro. You own it!

Dad.on.the.moon schrieb am 31.10.2016 um 10:47 Uhr

Bonjour Roxall,

je n'ai pas grand chose à redire de ton morceau!, hormis que je suis fan de métal est qu'il est d'excellente qualité, tout sonne très juste et j'ai vraiment l'impression d'écouter un CD, j'aime ton style qui évolue entre  trash et sonorités moderne!, à mon humble avis c'est du travail de Pro \m/  
