Elastique Timestretch within Cakewalk Sonar X3

ARTHUR-MOE wrote on 10/20/2022, 6:37 PM

Currently use cakewalk sonar X3. On a regular basis I use elastique Timestretch within sonar to change keys of songs. I bought a new computer and upgraded from soundforge 10 to 16. In the old computer if I choose within sonar the plugins and click audio fx tab then direct X then sony I then have several choices to use and elastique timestretch is one of them. On the new computer when I load an audio song in sonar after installing soundforge 16 the elastique timestretch is nowhere to be found in cakewalk within sonar plugins. Naturally I could perform any transposes within sound forge 16 going back and forth from sonar X3 but for transpose purposes I would like to stay within Sonar. Any ideas how to get the elastique timestretch to appear in cakewalk Sonar X3 like the old computer???


SP. wrote on 10/21/2022, 1:28 AM

@ARTHUR-MOE It's possible you need to install Sound Forge 10 or the 32 bit version of SF Pro 16 to get it working again. You can check your computer with a free tool called AnalogX DXMan for all installed DX plugins. I have installed SF Pro 15 64 bit and 32 bit and there are timestretch plugins listed (installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Sound Forge Shared Plug-Ins\). Elastique Timestretch is included in the sfzplane.dll.

rraud wrote on 10/21/2022, 10:11 AM

As @SP. stated, try installing an x86 version of Sound Forge.

ARTHUR-MOE wrote on 10/21/2022, 8:39 PM

Installed the old version Sound Forge 10 and it appeared. Problem solved. Thanks very much for solution.