Exporting to YouTube reports browser is incompatible

JimS123 wrote on 4/15/2020, 4:34 PM

I can Save edited Movies to memory then Post these movies, but I get an error each time I attempt to export directly to YouTube in one step.. That error pops up each time after I enter either Phone or e-mail address on the YT account saying that my (MEP?) Browser is incompatible.. Why isn't MEP's Pro Plus 2020's browser compatible with YouTube? or perhaps it isn't set up properly to do these exports yet.. is there a fix for this?



yvon-robert wrote on 4/15/2020, 7:28 PM


forget the automatic function to export to YouTube.

1) Create your movie using the software and export on your hard drive an mp4 file HD or 4K with a bitrate 8000 minimum for HD and 16000 to 34000 for 4K.

2) Go to your YT account and upload manually to YT.

3) Complète all info for your movie.

That is the right way forget all automatic function in the software.



JimS123 wrote on 4/15/2020, 8:30 PM

Ok, sounds like this is a known bug.. I will continue doing doing the slightly longer process you describe.. Thanks JimS