Files saved but can't find them

Wes-Hewlett wrote on 4/12/2024, 6:10 PM

Need help people. I'm an old Sony Soundforge user and 1st time using Soundforge 17 Magix. I'm using Windows 10 and everytime I save a wave file in Soundforge, it saves but then when I go to retrieve it the file, it's not in the designated folder. I've tried other folders to save it to and th we same thing happens... no file saved in that folder. Please advise.....


rraud wrote on 4/13/2024, 5:15 PM

Have you searched the PC for the newly created file.. or does it not exist. What PCM <.wav> save preset are you using? Do other format files 'disappear' as well after rendering?
I do not recall other reports of this behavior, Try resetting Sound Forge in the 'File' menu.

btw, welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users community @Wes-Hewlett.

Wes-Hewlett wrote on 5/10/2024, 4:45 PM

I've tried resetting the software and even uninstalling/reinstalling and it still does this. Do u have to be online when saving files? I've never had this issue with Sony Soundforge products.

SP. wrote on 5/10/2024, 5:08 PM

@Wes-Hewlett After you saved a file and close and reopen Sound Forge, is the file automatically reopened inside SF?

If yes, then it's definitely saved on your computer.

Wes-Hewlett wrote on 5/10/2024, 5:44 PM

Yes the file is there in the location I saved it in but when I come back the following day and try to open that same file from that same location, I get an error code saying" can't find file."

SP. wrote on 5/10/2024, 6:07 PM

@Wes-Hewlett Is this folder synchronized with an online cloud service?

Wes-Hewlett wrote on 5/10/2024, 7:10 PM

No, not at all.

SP. wrote on 5/10/2024, 8:10 PM

@Wes-Hewlett Let's try the basics first.

Restart your computer. Please select the Restart option and not the Shut down option. Reinstall also all pending Windows updates. Restart your computer again.

It's definitely not normal that the file gets created but it's missing on the next day. Might be a problem with your Windows installation.

If I understood you incorrectly and the file is still there, but you cannot open it, it might be caused by Sound Forge's inability to create accompanied sfk files.Try to move the files somewhere different and maybe you can open them again.

Wes-Hewlett wrote on 5/10/2024, 11:27 PM

Standby. I'm going to send u step by step video. Hold tight.