In rewire mode, Acid only shows Master as track output option

Robert-Shamansky wrote on 4/13/2020, 10:18 PM

I started Acid in rewire mode (as an admin) and was able to add extra mono and stereo rewire ports that Studio One can see. When I try to change the routing in Acid, I only have Master as the output option on all my individual tracks. How do I route the track audio in Acid to these new rewire ports in Studio One? I am running Acid Pro 10 and the latest version of Studio One. Thanks!


Robert-Shamansky wrote on 4/13/2020, 10:46 PM

I feel like a complete idiot. After looking at everything in Acid for the millionth time, I added an audio bus to my Acid project and all the ports are available on the new bus. I reassigned the individual tracks from Master to the new busses and they play in Studio One just like they are supposed to. I can only assume that this has worked fine since version 8. 😱 That just made my entire day. I can tweak away in Acid using Melodyne Editor and beam my Acid tracks into Studio One 😁 Hopefully this will help someone else out.

Former user wrote on 4/13/2020, 11:32 PM

I feel like a complete idiot. After looking at everything in Acid for the millionth time, I added an audio bus to my Acid project and all the ports are available on the new bus. I reassigned the individual tracks from Master to the new busses and they play in Studio One just like they are supposed to. I can only assume that this has worked fine since version 8. 😱 That just made my entire day. I can tweak away in Acid using Melodyne Editor and beam my Acid tracks into Studio One 😁 Hopefully this will help someone else out.

Robert, this is too much to ask. I always wondered how can I use Acid as a rewire into another DAW. I own Studio one as well, can you perhaps make a short video doing what you are doing? Maybe I can benefit from this rewiring business? I mean if I start a mix in Acid, how would I rewire into Studio one and have it record there?

Thank you in advance. I do my best helping others here, hoping for the same.

Robert-Shamansky wrote on 4/14/2020, 7:16 AM

Sure, I will put a quick How-to PDF together tonight. All the info is in different threads in this forum, except for the audio busses. It’s quite possible it’s in there too.

Robert-Shamansky wrote on 4/14/2020, 8:23 PM

Studio One and ACID Pro 10 Rewire

Start Studio One and open a blank project (or
any existing project)

Start ACID in Administrator mode via the Start
Menu, right click the ACID icon, select More, and select “Run as Administrator”

Once ACID is open, go to Options ->
Preferences and select the Audio Device tab. Your Audio Device Type should say
"ReWire Device Driver”

Click the Advanced… button

Select the amount of stereo and mono ports you
wan to add. (I maxed both out, 26 stereo & 32 mono)

ALERT, when you click OK, the window won’t
close. Just click “X” to close it. ACID will remember your new values regardless.

Click “OK” to close the Preferences tab.

Close ACID then close Studio One.

Start Studio One again. You will be able to open
ACID using the standard rewire procedure, dragging it in from Instruments, and
you will see all the new ports when you expand ACID from the console. Click to
activate the number of ports you want to use.

Tell ACID to start from Studio One’s rewire
command. The next step eluded me for over a year.

To pipe individual tracks from ACID into Studio
One, insert a Bus (Insert Bus) for each port you want to use.

Change the Bus outputs from Master to the port
you want to use and your ACID audio will now flow into Studio One.

Former user wrote on 4/16/2020, 5:58 PM

Studio One and ACID Pro 10 Rewire

Start Studio One and open a blank project (or
any existing project)

Start ACID in Administrator mode via the Start
Menu, right click the ACID icon, select More, and select “Run as Administrator”

Once ACID is open, go to Options ->
Preferences and select the Audio Device tab. Your Audio Device Type should say
"ReWire Device Driver”

Click the Advanced… button

Select the amount of stereo and mono ports you
wan to add. (I maxed both out, 26 stereo & 32 mono)

ALERT, when you click OK, the window won’t
close. Just click “X” to close it. ACID will remember your new values regardless.

Click “OK” to close the Preferences tab.

Close ACID then close Studio One.

Start Studio One again. You will be able to open
ACID using the standard rewire procedure, dragging it in from Instruments, and
you will see all the new ports when you expand ACID from the console. Click to
activate the number of ports you want to use.

Tell ACID to start from Studio One’s rewire
command. The next step eluded me for over a year.

To pipe individual tracks from ACID into Studio
One, insert a Bus (Insert Bus) for each port you want to use.

Change the Bus outputs from Master to the port
you want to use and your ACID audio will now flow into Studio One.

Hey Robert, once again, thank you so much for taking the time to write such detailed instructions. I followed everything up to step 10, you wrote "tell acid", the only options I have are Midi and allow tempo change.

So I added a track in Acid with some audio in it, the only channel I see signal in is master in studio one. I click on a few more but I can't record any audio. Can you please make a short little video and maybe upload that? I think I am almost there, I just need a little push and I am good to go. I just feel aweful for paying so much for Acid and not use it.

I have looked in numerous places for Acid to rewire with individual tracks into Cubase or S1 but there is nothing clear. Youtube barely has anything on this subject. People show how to rewire but no one actually shows the end result, meaning how do you actually record the Audio (not midi), into the main DAW? I had the same issue with FL a while back, I just gave up on that.

I highly appreciate your assistance.

Former user wrote on 4/16/2020, 6:10 PM

Robert, I went back to one of your earlier comments and I think I got something. I added a bus track on Acid, I got the audio to record in S1. There is just one thing, so if I have 10 tracks in Acid, I would have to check off 10 channels in S1 for those to record into s1 from acid? If so, how would I make them individual in acid? thats where I am stuck now. Rest seems to work out ok.

Again, thankyou for your help.

Robert-Shamansky wrote on 4/16/2020, 7:00 PM

I couldn’t find an end-to-end explanation on rewire anywhere and I know how frustrating this process can be. It may be clearer to do a video but I would have to pick up some screen capture software to do that 😱. I’ll try be a little clearer and see if that works.

Were you able to add the extra rewire ports from steps 5 & 9? If all the new ports show up in the Studio One console, go ahead and start Acid from anywhere. It should make the rewire connection if S1 is already open.

In S1, add an audio track for each Rewire port you want to use from Acid. In the S1 track’s input drop down, select ”Instruments” and you will see all the available Acid rewire ports. That is how you are able to record audio from Acid. You’ll have to add additional audio tracks in S1 for each track you want to record separately from Acid. You might want to save all this as a template in S1, it’s pretty time consuming getting everything setup correctly.

You can now record audio straight from Acid into Studio One, where you have sketch pads and Chord Tracks and all kinds of wonderful, creative things at your disposal.

I’ve been using Acid since version 1 and have a lot of unfinished Acid sketches that want to complete in S1. Rewire will make that easier. I’ve tried exporting and importing WAV files and it’s a pain.

Let me know if this still isn’t working for you and I can try uploading some screen grabs for the parts that aren’t clear.

Robert-Shamansky wrote on 4/17/2020, 6:45 PM

In Acid: Route each instrument track to a separate audio bus, route the output of the audio bus to a rewire port, that port gets rewired into S1.

Former user wrote on 4/18/2020, 1:59 AM

In Acid: Route each instrument track to a separate audio bus, route the output of the audio bus to a rewire port, that port gets rewired into S1.

Thank you Robert. I am going to go back to this and follow what you are suggesting after work. I will get back to you. Enjoy your weekend.

Robert-Shamansky wrote on 4/18/2020, 8:33 AM

Good luck, it’s really cool once it’s working 😄 It sounds like you are really close to having it up and running.

Former user wrote on 4/19/2020, 12:32 AM

Good luck, it’s really cool once it’s working 😄 It sounds like you are really close to having it up and running.

Robert, Yes, I finally sat down and it worked however, I still can't get individual tracks from Acid to go into S1 individually. I guess if you ever have some time to make a video of just that, that would be great. But regardless, I appreciate all your help. This type of detailed instruction isn't available anywhere. The 99% of the "instructional" videos on youtube are either half-as*ed or completely useless. Thank you, kind sir.

Robert-Shamansky wrote on 4/19/2020, 9:27 PM

I may have some free options for recording my screen. I will post something this week if I can get one of them to work. If that’s a bust, I will create a Word doc with some screenshots.

Robert-Shamansky wrote on 4/19/2020, 11:05 PM

Here you go!

Former user wrote on 4/20/2020, 3:30 AM

Wow!! I can't thank you enough. You are a good man!

Robert-Shamansky wrote on 4/20/2020, 6:36 AM

Are you rewiring now? Making the recording was a lot simpler than I thought it would be 😄

Former user wrote on 4/20/2020, 6:33 PM

Are you rewiring now? Making the recording was a lot simpler than I thought it would be 😄

Yes sir!! I just did it and it works. A bit of a process I would say. But you have solved a huuuuge problem for me. If there is a donation paypal address you have, I would love to send a "thank you". I really don't want to leave Acid as it was what gave me a start in music back in 1998. And Sony taking it over was the worst thing. Pick, Paint and Play is the top feature Acid has which NO other DAW in the world has been able to accomplish. That is where my creativity comes in. And for showing me what you have, you just opened that door for me again.

Just a little history on how I made music starting in 1998 with Acid, I was introduced to Cubase at first which didn't make any sense to me. A buddy and I went to Sam Ash and bought this "new" software called Sonic Foundry Acid and I think it cost me 25 bucks, back then that was a lot for me. A monkey with half of a brain could make music on that, I mean the explorer window on the bottom, the arrangement on top, just double click a loop, its ready to be painted in the timeline. Because Midi has always been the weak point of it (even now), I would open up Cubase, record midi and export as Audio. then use that in Acid. I became super-fast on this process. Acid pro was the software which got me paid as a music producer.

When I hear music made on Acid, I hear creativity, when I make it anywhere else, I hear blandness. We all have our unique sound, and the way my hands and brain work while in this DAW are different and I hear that old sound I once made and loved.

I just hope the bare bones of the DAW will always be there. In the recent upgrade, aside from eye-poking GUI, someone made the decision of Auto-load of samples when double clicked in explorer. I hope they add an option to turn that annoying feature off. Leave Acid's classic feature alone. Don't turn it into another "DAW" like others. Pick, Paint and Play is what makes it unique!

Thank you, Robert for being so kind and actually sticking with me on this and actually taking the time to make a video. Maybe there will be something in future I could be of help.

Robert-Shamansky wrote on 4/20/2020, 9:33 PM

You are very welcome! I appreciate the kind offer but it's enough for me to know I was able to help you get rewire working.

I am really pretty excited about version 10 and how easy it is to use Melodyne Editor now. I really hope that Magix stays focused on the looping portion of Acid going forward. There are plenty of full featured DAW's to choose from already.

I'm very happy that Acid gets to stay in your workflow, thanks for sharing and happy looping!