
Former user wrote on 3/6/2014, 7:14 PM

Not knowing what the piece should sound like, I'll take a stab and say it soulds like an issue around the 19 sec. mark, that tells me the first 18 seconds were OK...are you usiing a piano ?  Has it happened in prior works ?  Usually these things don't suddenly appear of their own accord....they get outside help....that be you.  Little more info, please

ImSean wrote on 3/6/2014, 8:06 PM


Not knowing what the piece should sound like, I'll take a stab and say it soulds like an issue around the 19 sec. mark, that tells me the first 18 seconds were OK...are you usiing a piano ?  Has it happened in prior works ?  Usually these things don't suddenly appear of their own accord....they get outside help....that be you.  Little more info, please the 19sec mark but also at the 7 sec mark as well. What's happening is what I'm calling "Sustain Pedal Note Cut-off" I found a few others having the same issue as I was searching for answers.


I had the 2013 version, I updated to the 2014 version and this event happened. I have tried changing the midi cord from my keyboard to the PC, I have tried different USB slots, I have tried a different keyboard. I have uninstalled and reinstalled, I have all updated drivers, but nothing changes. It happens as I play the song from the program, play on the keyboard and record from it. the songs I had already recorded did not have this problem before when I would play them. So I ruled out the midi cables, and the keyboards. I can only assume something went wrong with the upgrade to the 2014 version. Even trying to play on the 2013 version now, gives me the problem. So Im at a loss. I have just completed a full album too which is completly useless unless I can solve this issue.

Former user wrote on 3/7/2014, 6:44 PM

Well, lets drivers, different keyboards  new or differrent cables, different programs and it did work at one thaat what you are telling me ?  Two different approaches....i If you are still running 2013 and 2014 on the same computer, go with either  /or and tahen make sure you absoluately delete ALL of the other program beacause sometimes Magix sticks files and folders in funny places, as others also do.....then see if you can get your stuff t  o fly.....if not, try to record sstarting from a different staart posistion....stilll broke ?....Is it athe same note like C sharp or flat ?....Expand the piece and use magnifier to see if you can spot an anomoly (glitch).  The second approach is back to you, ESPECIALLY when you say those three magiX words...."it worked before".....ususally a parametr or option or buffer is sset incorrectly.  Lastly, you say you havae seen similaar postings on this issue..... I have not, but no matter.  Cut and Paste the isssues along wita your problem and send athem off to Magix support.  This is assuming you bought and registered athe programs with/thru Magix.....I'll be watching