New patch for Video Pro X | Version

frankberger85 wrote on 2/12/2020, 10:31 AM

Hello dear community,

we have released a patch for your Video Pro X to version

improvements in version

- fixed a crash when opening the aperture menu
- Preview images for VideoEffects\BackgroundEffects added
- restored correct transparency for decorative element 'Cigar' (2013_cigar_HD.cfx)
- fixed bright and colorless stereo 3D display in video monitor
- Store: Use of purchased Store items without an Internet connection is possible again
- Store: Database initialization accelerated
- HDR: "Use dithering for output" works again
- HDR: Change from GPU mode with HDR back to CPU mode works again
- HDR: HDR output in GPU mode fixed on HDR capable monitor
- HDR: new option in "Display Options": "Output to monitor with extended color space" -> HDR on

Installation via the menu item -> Help -> Online Update

Have fun with your projects
Regards Frank
