Recording 48000hz

Jeff-Schoenholz wrote on 11/23/2022, 1:55 PM

I'm trying to record on Samplitude 2022 at 48000 hz. I have no issues on 44100 but at 48000 I start to get glitches. On the wave formation it says, resample HQISRA. Also, after several takes when I stop recording part of the end of the recording gets cut off. Is there something else I need to change in the settings? Are you able to record at 48000 hz with no problems? Any help here is appreciated!


SP. wrote on 11/24/2022, 2:01 AM

@Jeff-Schoenholz I think this depends on your audio hardware. If you don't use an audio interface with ASIO drivers but only the standard audio chipset of your computer, you are probably running into a bottleneck. You could try to increase the buffer size in the program settings.

Jeff-Schoenholz wrote on 11/24/2022, 8:42 AM

@SP. Thanks for your reply. I use the Sound Devices usb pre 2 audio interface which is a very solid piece of hardware. That said, you might be right about the ASIO drivers. I’ll try increasing the buffer size in the program settings. Normally 44100 is all I need but I have a project client that wants 48000. Hopefully I can figure it out. I appreciate your help!

Jeff-Schoenholz wrote on 11/29/2022, 4:10 PM

@SP. I wanted to let you know the issue has been solved! Turns out the problem was a very simple fix! Though it took me a long time to figure out🙃. All I needed to do was change the settings of the project.  I clicked on the file drop down menu, then project properties, then project status, then project options, then general, and at that point there's a screen that allows you to officially change the sample rate to 48k.  Everything is now working smoothly with no more glitches or error messages!!  I can now record 48k with perfect sound!

SP. wrote on 11/29/2022, 4:14 PM

@Jeff-Schoenholz Good to hear you found a solution!

Jeff-Schoenholz wrote on 11/29/2022, 4:34 PM

@SP. And just to clarify, I had already tried a bunch of times to change the recording sample rate by going into recording options, but it turns out you have to do it by going into the project properties.  Once changed there, it automatically changes the sample rate in the recording options.  Cheers!