
ste_c wrote on 4/26/2019, 5:03 AM

Confirmed, same behaviour here :( [SF Pro 13 64 Bit - Trial] I do still like to have that vintage background from SF 4.5.

donaldh606 wrote on 7/17/2019, 2:42 PM

Just a follow-up after update to #96. Still no textured background.

rraud wrote on 7/17/2019, 2:56 PM

Just a follow-up after update to #96. Still no textured background.

Confirmed, still no textured background. (build 100)

Tim-Lundeen wrote on 8/21/2019, 4:46 PM

Confirmed. Recently purchased the upgrade (August 21, 2019). Still no textured background.

Conductor wrote on 3/13/2020, 10:14 AM

I also have the same problem. I contacted Tech Support and they said it was a known bug and would be fixed in the next program update. It has NEVER been fixed. Now I am getting all kinds of Magix ads for Sound Forge 14 and other products. WHY would I buy anything else when they can't be bothered to fix known bugs.

rraud wrote on 3/13/2020, 12:25 PM

You can stop the ads. Options> Preferences> General", un-check mark "Use Net Notify to stay informed about products and updates".
There is a separate update notification app the can be uninstalled as well (off hand, I do not recall it's name) Doing both will eliminate most annoyances.

mauighost wrote on 3/14/2020, 12:18 PM

Yes, I too am shocked that they are pushing Sound Forge 14 on customers when SF 13 still has the simplest of bugs to patch. It speaks volumes on how Magix regards their customers, and I don't remember this being an issue under Sonic Foundry/Sony's reign. I don't know about you, but adding the textured background when you first boot up a new version of SF is pretty much a tradition for us legacy users, no?

donaldh606 wrote on 3/25/2020, 10:11 AM

So, I decided to upgrade to version 14 hoping that the background texture problem had been resolved. But, still no textured background. I know that this isn't a priority item, but I prefer to have the texture.

mauighost wrote on 6/5/2020, 8:12 AM

Looks like build 135 was just released for Sound Forge 13. Still no textured background. Any idea where consumers can find the release notes for new builds? I’d like to know what was included in the new build.

craig-d wrote on 9/4/2020, 4:27 AM

Hi everyone,

The textured background has been added, and will be included in the next update. We thank you all for your feedback! I am also happy to say that for you long-time users that have missed the Remote Record feature that has not been included in the program since Sony removed it in version 11 is making a comeback! Please continue to let us know through the forums and by submitting support tickets the features that you need, or that need to be fixed. Thank you all for your time!

mauighost wrote on 9/27/2020, 2:10 PM

That's great news! Any idea when the next update will drop? I keep hitting "Check for updates," but is says there are none for 13.0 (Build 135 64-bit). That is currently the latest, no? Is there a place we can go online to see what the latest version is of all Magix software?

rraud wrote on 9/27/2020, 3:59 PM

I do not know if there will be an update to Pro 13 beyond the current build 135. The Pro 14 build 111) was published only a month or so ago, so we will have to be patient.

Former user wrote on 9/27/2020, 4:03 PM

Usually when a company releases version Y of a program, version Y is considered the update to version X.

mauighost wrote on 9/27/2020, 4:15 PM

rraud, this seems to contradict what was posted just above my previous post:

“The textured background has been added, and will be included in the next update.”

Is this update only for Sound Forge 14? Why would they leave SF 13 broken? That doesn’t make sense. But you have answered my question about what the latest build is for SF 13, so thank you.


rraud wrote on 9/28/2020, 12:31 PM

An Update download includes release notes which states changes and bug fixes. Go to the "Help" menu and "Check for updates"... .which you have already done and have the latest build for Pro 13. If you wish to purchase Pro 14, that considered a Upgrade.

“The textured background has been added, and will be included in the next update.”

'The next update' will be for Pro 14 . I do not think there will be an update to Pro 13, which was discontinued when Pro 14 was published. nor would I consider Pro 13 'broken' with the lack of the textured background.. an annoyance, yes, but the application is still functional. I am not a Magix employee, so contact the 'Magix Customer Service Sales Team' for a definitive answer... which btw will likely be, 'Pro 13 is no longer supported'.

mauighost wrote on 9/29/2020, 9:21 AM

Hmmmm. These comments are not only disappointing but concerning. Rather than focus on where a textured background sits on a scale of importance regarding an efficient editing workflow (wink), I'd like to direct everyone's attention to the big picture here. As a consumer I paid a lot of money to a company I've never dealt with before (Sonic Foundry and Sony have earned my trust and respect) for a product that still has features not fully functional (however big or small). And everyone here (possibly including the staff at Magix themselves) is telling me that the solution is to spend more money to upgrade to the next version to get all my features working as intended. Do you understand how misdirected this is? Yes, right now it may be just a textured background, but if everyone here lets this sort of business behavior slide, who knows what they'll try to get away with in the future. There may be a very vital part of your software not working and Magix will tell you "Sorry. Upgrade to the next version and you won't have an issue." Is this what you are endorsing? Seriously? You don't release a new version of software to the public until the previous version works properly, period. This is no longer just about a textured background, this has much bigger implications. Please take this into account when posting on this forum thread.

mauighost wrote on 12/17/2020, 8:53 PM

So it seems like this issue is now resolved for Sound Forge 14 users. Did any Sound Forge 13 users get this fix? Please let me know.

rraud wrote on 12/18/2020, 9:42 AM

Did any Sound Forge 13 users get this fix?

It was not fixed in SF Pro13.