Window Full Size

Bill-Fike wrote on 5/16/2019, 2:08 PM

Sound Forge Pro 13. Whenever the application is minimized, it does not come up full size the next time. The window button at the upper right shows that it's full screen. It's full screen horizontal but not vertical. I have to press the screen button once to make it "sized" and then again to make it (truly) full screen. I have to do this every time after the application has been minimized. If I just toggle from another app to Sound Forge already full screen, then it's fine.

I have two monitors, and this issue happens on one monitor which is 2K (2560 x 1140). When I place it in the other monitor (1920 x

1080), it comes up properly full screen. So maybe the issue is the screen resolution?

In my screen cap, don't be confused by the dark part at the bottom. That's my desktop picture. If you look at the windows buttons at the upper right, you can see the application is supposed to be full screen.