
Rana wrote on 10/23/2010, 2:20 AM

I have often been asked by executives in the early stages of their career to tell them how to climb up the corporate ladder. I took this as an opportunity for summarizing some of the rules of the game as given below:


• Its 99.9% sweat & blood and 0.1% luck. There is a short cut and I will tell you about it towards the end.


• Be sure about the job you are opting for, many make the mistake to take on whatever comes their way as their first job. This can be a very very costly and at times a mistake which can never be undone.

• At the interviews, induction and introduction stages, be at your best in all aspects i.e. dress smart, be physically fresh and mentally active. First Impressions form 80% of initial perceptions.

• Impress with knowledge (not information) and dedicate yourself to your job. What you sow today is what you will reap tomorrow.

• Do your regular job better than anyone else and always capitalize on the opportunity to add little extra to it, this will reflect your initiative, enthusiasm and can do attitude.

• Stay as near to the power (senior management) as you can – remember, out of sight = out of mind, be visible but in a diplomatic manner – keep your immediate boss always ahead of you while you do this, since ultimately it will be his appraisal and consent which will push you forward.

• There is always a lot of waste around you, identify it and develop cost effective solutions. Present them to the person of highest position that you are comfortable sharing it with and make sure he has the authority to give you a go ahead for implementation. Cost saving & increasing profitability is loved by senior management simply.


• Know your friends and enemies in the Company, make yourself look like a leader at every possible opportunity but this must be done with discretion.

• Avoid unnecessary grapevine & never share your weaknesses with anyone, keep your image clean. You are there to work not to make friends since you already have enough.

• Be ambitious at times when it counts. If you act the part they (senior management) will think you can do the part.

• Other essentials of the recipe are honesty, ability to take on challenges, be cool under pressure, right attitude, ability to build relationships at all levels (networking), excellent verbal and written communication skills, initiating and managing change, handling difference of opinion, negotiation skills, a good balance of tenacity and resilience etc.….


• Remember, all that matters to the financial stakeholders of the company is profits. All that matters to you is profits for the company because that translates to profits for you! Make your goals reachable and steadily start putting together a plan of action to move ahead. Keep that plan, stay out of company drama and just slide right into a promotion. GOOD LUCK.


• Now the short cut right to the top. HAVE YOUR OWN BUSINESSS AND BE YOUR OWN BOSS. There is no better and no other right time than this very moment.


I can do about pages and pages on the topic but won’t like to bore you further….write to me if you may have any specific questions and I will be glad to give you an answer to the best of my ability.

Now about the track… The underlying architecture of the track is a Jazz and Blues composition which I did some time back.  Edited Vocal samples are from Magix sound pools, rest is all Midi composition worked through synths, VSTIs and SFX.

Business, travel and focus on my own career are leaving me with very little time (and all public holidays are falling over the weekend till now this year ) . To make things worse, I was out of broad band connectivity at home due to some issue with the modem which I just got resolved. Thanks for your continued support, encouragement and understanding.


nihon94 wrote on 10/23/2010, 3:04 AM

Thank you for nice advice about corporate ladder (for team leader)


Your cover design is great and it remind me of a Game.

I like Song composition, music is good to ear. Sweet.

Thank you for sharing.


Former user wrote on 10/23/2010, 3:16 AM

I arrived at a age where I can confirm some of your theories. Everyone has a chance in life, to condition of course working, but unfortunately for many, the chances are not identical, and work as a result, is much more random.
But, it takes any goodwill to make a world, and we need to be taken into account, is this not?


Remember me, by some sides of your words, an person, which currently governs us....



In short, truce of philosophy political, and revert to what concerns us here.... That is music.

Your publication is a good structure.... and I admit, a large work (Yes again) as composer....

Spartano wrote on 10/23/2010, 3:48 AM

Hallo mein Freund Rana!

Es ist Verständlich das die Karriere an Zweite Stelle Steht, Erste Stelle ist ja die Familie

Das du wenig Zeit hast hier dein Hobby Musik zu machen ist Verständlich,

Hauptsache das du nicht Ganz weg bist in der Com, und wir Freuen uns immer Wieder wenn du dich mal wie Jetzt mit deinen Exzellente Musik ab und zu mal Hier in der Com, Besuchst, Herzlichen Gruß dein Freund Joachim!

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


CharonExkadi wrote on 10/23/2010, 4:15 AM

very coool this track :)

CharonExkadi wrote on 10/23/2010, 4:15 AM

very coool this track :)

datamix wrote on 10/23/2010, 5:15 AM

Rana: thanks for your advice, it is true many of the issues you mention, is the strategy of "panther" in a corporation, like me because of my age I had to fit into some kind of structures such as counseling, I have particular abused the scientific method in my professional development, perhaps because I am dedicated to science, leaving aside questions sometimes easier to fit into that career.
returning to the music, I hope you find time to compose and express, this particular song is very pop and is well structured and resume your advice.

Former user wrote on 10/23/2010, 5:31 AM

very good work my friend^^



5* =)

StoneFace wrote on 10/23/2010, 5:35 AM

Hi Rana,


the explanatory words, the perfect music to fit and the cover
a pictorial representation .....
for that I am too old ......


nice weekend

Former user wrote on 10/23/2010, 5:52 AM

Hi my friend

I'm fortunate because I have a good job and I don't have many problems. Only problem is that my job is a little far from my house and therefore it brings away to me a lot of time of the day... and I come back home very  tired every day.

A compex mix of jazz/Blues and just a little o Pop music... I love the search of new sonority as you always do it.

the sfx and the voices  are used with great professionality .. your mix , as always, excellent without errors.

5*****+++++ and 5 kiss to you

with friendship and love


Former user wrote on 10/23/2010, 6:05 AM

Hello Rana!


This is a great work!


Wonderful Electric-Sounds in the mix!


Very, nery nice work!






Best regards!



Former user wrote on 10/23/2010, 6:44 AM

Gelungene Elektronikmusik

Former user wrote on 10/23/2010, 7:00 AM


schön mal wieder was von dir zu hören,

ach ja die liebe Zeit kenn ich.

Tolles Werk was du hier gezaubert hast,

kommt gut rüber und gefällt mir.


Wünsch dir noch ein schönes Wochenende.


mfg Conny

samp wrote on 10/23/2010, 10:14 AM

Oh that is really a snake´s riddle...

the ladder you climb up

may deliver you at the bottom...

all your companions are smiling

and you can see their very sharp teeth

its really a pushing and smashing

a shoving and slithering


of course

and in fitting in you

forget to do

what you really wanted to do...


Great music

great words


and the sound tells a lot...



MyWay10 wrote on 10/23/2010, 11:11 AM

Hi Rana,

wow, thats interesting and a great Work!!!! Cool

redisland wrote on 10/23/2010, 11:37 AM

hi rana


mal was anderes

klasse sound



gruss die redis

qayoom wrote on 10/23/2010, 12:05 PM

Excellent piece of work...Almighty is taking you towards a good new direction.  Just dont stop and let it flow. Thanks for sharing your expertise for the  career growth however do not agree with you for all the points.  

Former user wrote on 10/23/2010, 1:02 PM

good work nice



SpriteBat wrote on 10/23/2010, 1:37 PM

This is your best song ever! I love the vocals, they compliment the music perfectly! It reminds me of music from the 80s, which I really enjoy. 5*


You should write a book about your business philosophy.

jacobba wrote on 10/23/2010, 2:10 PM

I like it


Former user wrote on 10/23/2010, 3:18 PM

the text is very interesting
dynamic and crazy music




Sect.23 wrote on 10/23/2010, 3:35 PM

Excellent advice, my friend! Mutual respect has always been my mantra as a supervisor...gets very good results...All teams I have ever managed have been amazing becuase of this......

But not as amazing as this song! Just....WOW!!!! I agree with past posts...very dynamic! and exciting!!!!

Cheers Rana!!


Former user wrote on 10/23/2010, 3:53 PM

Hello Rana,


very well done your track. I like it and I also red your advice, very interessant.


Wish you a good weekend.


LG Sigrid

siggi_s wrote on 10/23/2010, 4:42 PM

Hey Rana,


das geht ja voll in eine Richtung, welche ich nicht von Dir kenne!


Fast wie Weinachten nur zu früh!


G siggi

TommyG wrote on 10/23/2010, 6:59 PM

Funny and strange - this is my impression of the song. Concernig chord-structure you are going own and unusual ways. Sometimes it sounds like blues/boogie and sometimes avantgarde. Interesting processed vocals. But definetley no Techno in my humble opinion. I proposed to Magix a category like "experimental music" - this would fit.


Anyway, a remarkable composition, I enjoyed listening to this extraordinary piece of music.