
Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 3/11/2019, 6:26 PM

B:A:D, Great expression in words, music and vocals of the feeling one gets when they are crazy in love with someone, Brothers! I can feel the passion through your music, and again one of the great things about you guys is you know the art of brevity, and as you know brevity is the soul of wit, my friends! A very well focused song, and once again I tip my hat to your artistry. SUPERB! VME! CBW 10,000 Suns! 💯👍👍👍👍👍

musicMD wrote on 3/11/2019, 11:33 PM

Nice Rockin' tune.... Love the vocals and the music just Rocks. It has a cool driving force behind the music. This would sound great blaring from the car speakers with the top down cruising down Ventura Highway...

franco-galateo wrote on 3/12/2019, 4:29 AM

very nice track


HellRaiser wrote on 3/18/2019, 1:52 PM

Wow - great music. Smooth but powerful melody with organ and brass. Yes, lots of instruments, but the sound is well done! Also the vocals are great. Very interesting music ❤️