It's Too Late

TrishM wrote on 6/11/2016, 7:23 AM

Hello to all you music lovers

In 1971, Carole King gave the world her song, "It's Too Late".  This song has become her signature song and is from the album Tapestry.

Played on my old Alesis keyboard, this is a piano solo with a jazz vibe.

I hope you like it :-D.




Mondschwester wrote on 6/11/2016, 8:01 AM

Hi Trish!

Oh yeah! This is absolutely my taste of music!

You played it so well! Your piano playing is fantastic and so professional! Normally I get bored just hearing a solo piano...But your song is brilliant!

I could imagine you playing in bars or at jazz events! Your song really made me day-dream!

Simply wonderful!!! Loved it!!!

All the best!

Former user wrote on 6/11/2016, 9:47 AM


Ahhhh...  Pure PIANO!  No frills.  No artifacts.  Just 'pure' piano.

In a word, delightful!


olivier28 wrote on 6/11/2016, 2:19 PM

une belle musique que l'on prends plaisir à écouter


JuanIsidoro wrote on 6/11/2016, 3:56 PM


great song performed by a exellent pianist 

Last changed by JuanIsidoro on 6/11/2016, 3:56 PM, changed a total of 1 times.


Me llamo Juan Isidoro. Soy de Sevilla al sur de España.Trabajo en un camion y hago musica por placer.

Espero que os guste.

My name is juan Isidoro. I’m from Seville in southern Spain.
Working a truck and do music for pleasure.I hope you like.



Frantzi wrote on 6/11/2016, 3:58 PM

All relevant things said beyond...
unfortunately only 5* to give...

Former user wrote on 6/11/2016, 6:18 PM

Hi, thanks for the invitation to listen , I think the piano is a complete instrument that does not need any accompaniment of another instrument , in this version is shown, well developed , jazz rhythm looks good , I liked his inerpretación , Greetings

TetleyAnderton wrote on 6/11/2016, 9:34 PM

Well done! 

Former user wrote on 6/12/2016, 5:21 AM

Hi Trish,
excellent, I know very well the song 'cause it was a worldwide hit, and that's why I appreciate even more this your interpretation, pure music, pure poetry, your hands and your piano, have done something great.


Etoile wrote on 6/12/2016, 7:15 AM

Hi Trisch, yeah, a real musician

Great piano. Like your feeling for the beat on the piano keys.

The sound could have a little more brilliance but nevertheless a real great work.


Best regards

Last changed by Etoile on 6/12/2016, 7:16 AM, changed a total of 2 times.

Habe mich vor 7 Jahren, 2009 , aus dieser Comunity verabschiedet.

Wir hatten damals eine echt nette Gemeinschaft und ich hatte mit der Gemeinschaftsarbeit, die ich "The magix project" nannte damals meinen Höhepumkt hier erreicht.


Noch heute wird dieser Song hier angehört und nett Bewertet und Kommentiert.


War ne tolle Zeit. Leider ist das alles damals auseinander gegangen.


Nun, es ist viel Zeit vergangen. Ich hatte 6 Jahre überhaupt keine Musik gemacht und bin nun seit kurzem wieder dabei ein wenig zu komponieren und produzieren.

Wer mich von früher noch kenn weiß, das nur die drums bei mir aus Samples bestehen, oder von der drummashine kommen, alles andere, jedes Instrument ist selbst gespielt, jede Stimme selbst gesungen.

Es sind in letzer Zeit wieder einige Songs entstanden und einige Neue sind in der "Produktion, so daß ich mich entschlossen habe zunächst mal wieder hier einzusteigen und zu sehen was passiert, welche Leute noch da sind, ob man nette neue Leute kennenlertnt.


In diesem Sinne,,,,,,, "´cause we all love the music";-)

nafets. wrote on 6/12/2016, 7:16 AM

Wow...welch ein super klavierspiel !!!!!!

wundervoll....wirklich ganz großes kino Lady !!!!!!

sehr,sehr schön anzuhören,wunderbar !

respekt vor Ihrer leistung !

i like it,nehme ich mit in meine sammlung !



VOXS wrote on 6/12/2016, 7:56 AM

Hi Trish,

it's never too late to hear your wonderfull pianoplay! Pretty smooth and jazzy. Relaxing at the lobby and get a cocktail. Thank you for this fine "blue hour". Well done!!!

I like it - Andreas

Former user wrote on 6/12/2016, 11:31 AM


Fantastic     5 X  50*



Former user wrote on 6/13/2016, 1:46 AM

Hello ....

Beautiful dexterity and magical interpretation.

rollii1953 wrote on 6/13/2016, 3:02 AM

Hee Trish back something nice for the ears !!!!

stuallan wrote on 6/13/2016, 11:35 AM

Hi Trish,

This is one of those iconic songs that you recognize from the first few notes. Your interpretation has a slightly more laid back feel to it than the original which is perfect for the solo piano which is sounding absolutely gorgeous!

Loved every bit of this! Got totally lost in it and was surprised when it ended although it kept playing in my head.

Great job! Headed to my fav's.



Former user wrote on 6/13/2016, 12:30 PM

once again a personal interpretation but of great quality.
your musical skills, not now discover.
You are without doubt a great artist and a great musical performer


Former user wrote on 6/14/2016, 4:38 PM

Guten Tag & Abend " Trish "    ... .. Great Work and Nice Music ...

Gruss Andreas


DEPO57 wrote on 6/15/2016, 3:53 PM

it's never too late

jecke wrote on 6/15/2016, 5:28 PM

It is too bad that we live in different countries because I think it would be awesome to play music in real life together. You are skilled altough this isn't really my kind of music bit I am pretty open minded to music and this was great played. 

Nickillus wrote on 6/15/2016, 6:39 PM

The Trish trademark.  Beautiful song, beautifully played.  Wonderful interpretation of a true classic.  Love your jazzed up touches.  Really brings something more to the table.  A table that's already loaded with delectable goodies.  Superb.


waalfred wrote on 6/16/2016, 3:35 PM

Wonderful, there´s nothing more to say.


jjnicholls55 wrote on 6/16/2016, 9:58 PM

Another classic with your superb touch to make it even more amazing. I love that you can get so much feel with just a the piano and no other instruments. Thats a wow from me.



Pat_02 wrote on 6/18/2016, 9:01 AM

Bonjour Trish,

jolie musique d'une musicienne que je ne connais pas, vous le jouez à la perfection, bravo !

C'est une musique qui est pour moi un mélange de Jazz et blues, qui est agréable à écouter et pas facile à jouer.

7 étoiles pour ce joli classique très bien interprété,



GBTraveller wrote on 6/20/2016, 7:31 AM

Hi Trish,

which is a high art from you. So naked without instruments is truly impressive.
Quite large respectful of me.
Of course, all the stars from me.

Greeting Freddy