Knoxville, Tennesse

Philip-J wrote on 7/14/2023, 8:48 AM
Tags: Travel, Music videos
Width: 1920
Height: 1080
Duration: 03:38
Format: mp4

A young man from Knoxville shows us where he lives.


The music is my edition of the song from the 1960s, "Get Together Right Now" by the Youngbloods. I did it on my Yamaha soundcard in 1995. The soundcard was $10. Why so cheap? The connectors were AT and the soundcard would not be transferrable into a new computer with PCI connectors. I enjoyed playing with the Yamaha soundcard while I had my AT computer. I kept this recording and now you can hear what the Yamaha soundcard from 1995 sounded like. Yamaha soundcards were known for their fine sitar. I used the sitar for this recording.


Best wishes,



Jochen-S wrote on 7/14/2023, 9:02 AM

Hello Philip,
I like the sound of the Yamaha sound card with the video very much 👌... I worked with a Creative Soundblaster in the 90s... Later I bought an Atari 1040 with a midi interface...
All the best ❤️

Siggi-M wrote on 7/14/2023, 9:36 AM

Hello Philip, it's nice that you kept the song, it's played well and fits well under this video. 👌.

You can make really nice videos with drones these days.


franco-galateo wrote on 7/14/2023, 1:24 PM

good video and audio performance..very well


Bradford-Alan-Davidson wrote on 7/14/2023, 5:02 PM

Greetings. Knoxville is not far from where I live in Alpharetta, Georgia. Enjoyed this very much. Hoping you are well and at peace. Our best to you.