Let's Spend Some Time Together

Former user wrote on 1/28/2015, 8:16 AM

First of all,let me apologize for having to take this song off and rename it after posting it.  The previous title was the same as a song by the iconic Rolling Stones and this song is not a cover but it is an original.

I have used True Piano and Konkakt  as well as some audio from my old "vintage" Alesis QS8.

This is a rather slow ballad that has a hint to country.

I hope you enjoy it



Former user wrote on 1/28/2015, 9:56 AM

Hi Trish:

Quite pleased that you re-posted this lovely song.  After all, the good folks in this wonderful community, deserve to be able to hear this composition.

I 'still' enjoy this piece, in spite of the name-change, (damn those Rolling Stones)! <lol>


Former user wrote on 1/28/2015, 10:24 AM

Hello Trish, a song with your brand of quality '.
The delicacy and refinement of music are what I always appreciate in your work.


R42OR wrote on 1/28/2015, 10:38 AM

Top work. I like this kind of musik. GREAT. Thanks 4 this.

lg R.

stuallan wrote on 1/28/2015, 11:39 AM

Hi Trish,

Having a stressful day, this is just what I needed to take a step back.

Thank you Doctor Trish for this wonderful medicine! A truly fine composition.


Best Regards,


Former user wrote on 1/28/2015, 12:08 PM

Sweet and tender melody

Former user wrote on 1/28/2015, 12:15 PM

ottimo tutto l'insieme


Dvoraak wrote on 1/28/2015, 12:18 PM

Yep. Still green 

diegoweb13 wrote on 1/28/2015, 12:32 PM

Talented Trish, I 'liked performing and song.

you deserve 5 Stars.

Hello Diego

Last changed by diegoweb13 on 1/28/2015, 12:38 PM, changed a total of 2 times.

                                     Se la risposta e' stata utile, cliccare su Grazie qui sotto.

gerrycix wrote on 1/28/2015, 1:17 PM

Hello Trish

Excellent piano ...very good melodie !

Great work ,

Ciao David

Former user wrote on 1/28/2015, 1:38 PM

Hi Trish!

Ist wieder eine schöne Melodie und prima gespielt!!!

Hört sich irgendwie auch lustig an,mit diesem Zwischentönchen!!!

Hast Du super hinbeommen,danke!!!

Viele liebe Grüße Chris

DEPO57 wrote on 1/28/2015, 3:09 PM

qualunque titolo tu avessi dato a questa composizione sarebbe andato benissimo. La vera forza sta nella sensibilità e nella dolcezza dei tuoi accordi e delle tue note , che emozionano e danno serenità e tranquillità.

Tecnicamente: l'attento ascoltatore potrà sentire che ogni suono è dato dalle corde della tua anima e questo ne fa una grande composizione, irripetibile.


con affetto e moltissima stima.


tgfmusica wrote on 1/28/2015, 3:18 PM

Pezzo molto dolce e delicato, l'ho ascoltato con molta attenzione e mi piaciuto molto, 5* da tgfmusica, Gianfranco, ciao

smartsmurf wrote on 1/28/2015, 7:22 PM

Nothing much to say here... this is just wonderfully played. 

Great music... and I really love that Latin touch about it.

You say you had to change the title of this track... it almost seems to me... that I can sense that song from the Rolling Stones at around 3:48... just an illusion I think... 


Procyon wrote on 1/28/2015, 9:07 PM

The irony here is that when the Rolling Stones were to play the song on the Ed Sullivan show in 1967, Ed forced them to change the lyrics to, "Let's spend some time together".  Mick Jagger rolled his eyes in disgust as he sang it.

I don't believe there's any law stating two songs can't have the same title, as long as they are completely different compositions.

Very enjoyable piece.  It served to sooth my nerves before bedtime.  Thank you, Trish.

Former user wrote on 1/29/2015, 3:33 AM

nice song, well played. i like it.

GBTraveller wrote on 1/29/2015, 6:32 AM

Fantastic playing Trish !

Great handwork on the keys.

Greeting Freddy

Edi-no1 wrote on 1/29/2015, 10:50 AM

Hi Trish,

What a beautiful melody, played with soul.... I've felt this romantic mood. My romantic soul was revealed. Great ballad!

Best Regards,



Former user wrote on 1/29/2015, 12:08 PM

My dear Trish!

What do you make with me? :-) You put tears in my eyes with this again great great music. I want to come back from "heaven" to earth but I can´t. Your music is so nice and I have had a dream, the song is playing by the National Philharmonica Orchestra, really. I heard strings and violines, percussions and Harps. Sorry, my dreams.......! :-) Fantastic and very romantic song from you, nice instruments you use and your piano playing......no it gives no words for that - galactical, perhaps! :-) Absolutly great and absolutly FAV!!! Thank you so much for this fine music and for sharing.

best best wishes from me

regards Bernd

Former user wrote on 1/29/2015, 12:46 PM

Hi! marshallt2. Ich danke Dir für diesen Moment. Schön und gut gespielt. Wie man es von Dir kennt.

LG / aces-e37

THDrummer wrote on 1/29/2015, 2:01 PM

Very nice!  Great piano playing as always and the percussion adds a nice touch!

ballabarr wrote on 1/29/2015, 3:16 PM

Hej min vän = Hi my friend this have a huge wow wow wow factor

and i love minor this is entirely superb  totaly Love it

well done

Last changed by ballabarr on 1/29/2015, 3:16 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Im from sweden 55 year's young play 4 instruments,(Drums is my main instr) guitarr,keybords,and some bassand im learning to play faceorgan (Harmonica) I make my musc self.I love icehockey and soocer,bean to cooking school,bean a sailor for 10 years,but not anymore hade my last ship 1993 and i miss that job  (cargoship) see the world and get pay'd for it,that's nice

(Pleace wright in english if u can no requirement just a wishes)

Happy wrote on 1/30/2015, 4:21 AM

This is beautifull! had to hear it several times. Very inspiring and uplifting. 

Your music is so tender and full of presence. Thank you for sharing this with us. 


Last changed by Happy on 1/30/2015, 4:21 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Here to listen be inspired and improve own skill in music making and mastering etc. 

Mostly make music with a movie ongoing so much of the tracks will be more soundtrack'ish than actual club/dance orientated. Sadly Iam yet to un-skilled in the process of making the actual moving pictures/movies. 

I really appreciate the nice feedback. Makes a happy Happy. 

Must admit that my deutsc/german is stinking and cant translate comments in that launguage very good. 

Please keep comments in english, unless its very very bad critism, then please use Deutsc ;P 


My movie projects are located on youtube as I cant get to upload here. 

Please veiw and comment. 

Jinty wrote on 1/30/2015, 6:54 AM


Super Track, great piano playing!!!!!

All the best,


D.J.M. wrote on 1/30/2015, 10:48 AM

I like. Cool.