Love....The Old Fashioned Way.


jorgejerzy wrote on 1/30/2011, 9:45 AM

In der Form habe ich die Vocals noch nicht gehört


Gut gemacht





born67 wrote on 1/30/2011, 9:53 AM

good job.

i like it!!

Solista wrote on 1/30/2011, 11:38 AM

Some time ago I thought about trying one of those "Vocaloids", but at that time they sounded too artificial to me. Your experience is also not very encouraging, thanks about telling that.


I hope it's ok if I have to admit, that the song / singing is not my preferred "thing" (don't mind, I won't rate this since it's purely taste). But I have to take my hat off to your musical skills. Impressive list of software tools!

Guitorb wrote on 1/30/2011, 2:07 PM

 Sorry to hear about your software/hardware woes. We were just discussing the difficulty that I was having with the newly installed RAM on my old clunker. I had no idea that you were experiencing these problems. But if I know you(and I think I do)you take it all in stride and face the day with a smile anyway. After all it's what we have,not what we haven't.

 The vocals seemed for me to be a little too loud in the mix. If I remember(OMG I can't believe how old I am)the 1980's began the era of drums and synths moving up in the mix with the vocal track occupying a narrow field within the frequency spectrum. In other words,the 80's were all about the mix down. Getting that perfect snare timbre. And the big hair...we can't forget the big hair and bright clothes

sunlover1975 wrote on 1/30/2011, 3:18 PM

I like the song but there discordant bits and I am not sure if that was done on purpose to give the mood of heartache or what. The definitely has that new wave feel to it, so mission accomplished on that :) I really want to work with vocodex and this only make me want it more lol. I think if you cleaned up the song a bit, you would have a good pop song here. 

Former user wrote on 1/30/2011, 4:01 PM

Hello Rana,

I like the voice and the different tones.

You have done it very well.


LG Sigrid

redisland wrote on 1/31/2011, 5:38 AM

hi rana


coole, lockere musik


gruss dieter/redis

mohnysh wrote on 1/31/2011, 9:42 AM

rana superb rana chanceless wat a good song....wonderful you have to be awarded ........i love your song 5+5*

emacor wrote on 1/31/2011, 4:23 PM

Hi Rana:


A very nice Pop song, even with all those problems that i think most of us have .... you can't imagine how i understand you when you say that you are becoming a better computer tech than a best musician .


Good work!



Former user wrote on 2/1/2011, 3:07 AM

Gelungener Pop-Track

Jokerface wrote on 2/1/2011, 9:35 AM

Hallo Rana,

Wunderschöner klarer Klang. Die femalen Vocals kenne ich gut, habe mit ihnen auch schon gearbeitet.

Der Song ist einfach sehr schön.

Vielen Dank für den schönen Moment des Zuhörens.



SpriteBat wrote on 2/1/2011, 2:43 PM

Great song! I love 80s music too, though I was not yet born at the time.


You always put so much work into your music, and that is obvious when I hear it. It would be nice to hear some original vocals, but you have used the samples very effectively. And the synths are perfect! I would love to hear more music in this style.



Former user wrote on 2/1/2011, 3:40 PM


Former user wrote on 2/1/2011, 4:49 PM

Hallo mein Freund eine schöne saubere Arbeit.

Hast die Samples Prima Angepasst.70ger tutsh

Gefällt mir.




LG: dein Freund Peter.

TommyG wrote on 2/1/2011, 5:57 PM

I´ve to agree to smartsmurf. Unfortunetley the song is full of dissonances. Specially the Synth-sequence (first appearence at 1:10 and then always returning) does not fit together with the chord progress of your song. Wrong keys. That happens, when we mix for instance the styles "R & Blues" and "Techno/Trance", as you did. They are inkompatible. Same numbers of the samples don` t mean compatibility in this special case, because the style "Techno/Trance" does not follow the normal key-model of Magix. Further informations and schedules in my tutorial:



Furthermore Bass-sample mistakes (do not fit together with the used chords): 1:08, 3:30, 3:44, 3:50, 4:04, 4:24, 4:40, 4:46. But the worst of dissonance-maker is the mentioned Synth-sequence, which always returns during the song




Sorry, that I can`t give happy news. The song is full of musical mistakes.

eirianlys wrote on 2/1/2011, 6:24 PM



Former user wrote on 2/2/2011, 2:13 AM

hi rana,


was Du zu der Enstehung des Titels und den damit verbundenen Schwierigkeiten

schreibst,.das hört sich für mich an wie ein Märchen aus "1001 Nacht".

Es liest sich ganz toll, aber ich habe leider keine Ahnung, was es bedeuten soll.


Da habe ich mir einfach nur Deine Musik angehört, die habe ich verstanden.

Am frühen Morgen noch einmal, so macht es beschwingt für den Tag.


Ich mach es kurz: gefällt mir sehr!


LG Hardy

jos31620 wrote on 2/2/2011, 2:13 AM

grand style bravo j aime


       cordialement jos

UraniainarU wrote on 2/2/2011, 5:27 AM

i like it, becaus its a little bit different. very good fast sound!

LG, Urania

LEFTHANDER wrote on 2/2/2011, 7:11 AM

Der Track hört sich klasse an und doch gibt es leichte Unstimmigkeiten in dem einigen Stellen schwanken die  Klänge bzw. die Tonhöhe passt nicht. Zum Beispiel bei 1,13 und an einigen anderen Stellen.




SoftCut wrote on 2/2/2011, 9:07 AM

Ein gelungener Track mit einigen Stellen bei denen man nicht weiß -  ist es so gewollt.


Ich gehe davon aus das alles so sein soll wie es ist.


VG Soft Cut

papajeff wrote on 2/2/2011, 10:05 AM

Hi Rana, what´s that? Usually you ever made very good tracks till now, but this is a boring popsong, the vocal is a terrible chanting, where is emotion, where is the drive, where is the power?

I think you're a very good musician the more I am disappointed.

By the way, i don´t want to comment the disharmonics.

Remember your own creative brain, if you are honest so that you can´t be satisfied!

Sorry, my opinion. Make it better, make a new track like typical Rana!

LG Jeff

bluebox wrote on 2/3/2011, 1:39 AM

Ein schöner Rock-Popsong.

Den habe ich mir gerne angehört.



seraphin wrote on 2/3/2011, 12:29 PM

Hello my friend,


It's very good song !! Good information of technology and instrumental ^^ !!


Yes it's a new begining and i think it's very good, a good song !!


