Former user wrote on 4/1/2016, 5:32 AM

Un nuovo viaggio nell'universo alla ricerca di un pianeta  diverso , un qualcosa che nel mio immaginario si è risvegliato , dopo avere visto per l'ennesima volta il film " AVATAR".
Tutto è inventato e racchiuso nella mia mente , spero che l'ascolto di questo nuovo album , risvegli in tutti Voi, la voglia di sognare e di diventare ancora bambini .
Un sogno  per staccarsi , da tutto ciò che ci circonda .
Strumentazione : Tutti i synth magix e i Vsti Korg, e con l'aiuto di
loop precostituiti di Micheal Stearn è Jon Serrie

A new universe journey in search of a different planet, something that in my imagination has awakened, after seeing yet again the movie "AVATAR".
Everything is invented and enclosed in my mind, I hope that listening to this new album, awaken in all of you, the desire to dream and to become even children.
A dream to break away from all that surrounds us.
Instrumentation: All Magix VSTi synths and Korg, and with the help of
loop preconceived Micheal  Stearn is  Jon Serrie


Former user wrote on 4/1/2016, 6:26 AM

Ciao Franco:

Grazie per avermi invitato a bordo.

Che è esattamente come mi sento quando mi prendono questi meravigliosi viaggi di suoni e celeste atmosfere con voi.

Interiore e l'esplorazione della mente-anima continua...

Un altro eccezionale composizione da voi, mio buon amico.


Former user wrote on 4/1/2016, 7:56 AM

musica di altissimo livello , che ti trasporta in mondi sconoscuti

molto bene


diegoweb13 wrote on 4/1/2016, 9:45 AM

Bel pezzo.

Bravo Franco.


Ciao Diego

Last changed by diegoweb13 on 4/1/2016, 9:45 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

                                     Se la risposta e' stata utile, cliccare su Grazie qui sotto.

Former user wrote on 4/1/2016, 10:19 AM

Bravo,los ruiditos siempre me gustan en esta mezcla tan buena.los ruiditos del comienzo bien equalizados y le dan ese aire floyd que es tan especial y tanto me gusta.Yo soy persona de extremos,mis puntos medios no estan bien definidos...O muy fuerte o muy tranquilo,Me gusta esta manera...Escucho teclados que podrian ser naturales en midi,o posiblemente un Korj natural...Sea como sea me encanta este sonido.Un saludo amigo,,,Tomare un te a tu salud...Buen trabajo  aqui.

DanielsAnimations2014 wrote on 4/1/2016, 10:44 AM

I give this a five because it ROCKS!


Dan P. Lyons

HellRaiser wrote on 4/1/2016, 1:11 PM

The intro sounds absolutely mechanical - like a train. Then we hear your well-known ambient sounds. You handle everthing with care, so it fits together perfect. I also like the upcoming rhythm of the last minute and the return of the train. Perfekt sound, but the end is not a perfect fade out *****

ChevalierDeSangreal wrote on 4/1/2016, 2:40 PM

Your music, better the piece here, sounds like science fiction. Very well done. I should listen more times a few pieces of you but mi.

Best wishes,

Talan wrote on 4/1/2016, 5:12 PM

very deep gender , athmospheric sound . Relaxing and exciting at the same.
A song about the depth of life , well done .
Greetings Peter

Former user wrote on 4/1/2016, 5:33 PM

theme music great impression, everything comes like the wind, soft and tidy, feel the call of another world or another life, I can see the movement of his hidden world is very well done, but I would like to hear a little more on the via what is offered in the beginning, greetings

Beamish-Spartano wrote on 4/2/2016, 7:26 AM

Sehr Schööööön RELAX!

Lg, von Joachim.

Last changed by Beamish-Spartano on 4/2/2016, 7:26 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Hallo Musikfreunde,  jeder hat mal Probleme mit das Abmischen seine Musik der eine weniger als der Andere, ich Biete euch an für ein Kleine Betrag, das Abmischen eure Musik zu Übernehmen, bei Interesse bitte Hier oder in mein Solo Profil Anmelden, Alles andere werde ich euch bei Interesse Informieren, herzlichen Gruß Spartano!  

Maboe wrote on 4/2/2016, 1:39 PM

I´m so impressed about your never ending creativ work. A beautiful piece!


Former user wrote on 4/2/2016, 5:33 PM

ciao franco,

ich höre gerade deinen song das intro ist spannend entspannend,ich lioege so vor mich hin und diese music beruhigt mich positiv,schöne klänge,ich höre hier ein bisschen die weinenden menschen im islam,eine mutter die ihr kind verloren hat die weint,

danke franco für dieses schöne lied


peace islam

Pat_02 wrote on 4/2/2016, 5:49 PM

Bonjour Franco, encore une très belle composition, J'aime cette musique planante et spaciale avec de jolies et discrètes voix que l'on perçois, de jolis sons de synthés aussi.

L'intro est un peu bizarre et nous fait penser effectivement à un train et ensuite des sons que l'on pourrait entendre dans un hall de gare mais ça fait penser plutôt à un atelier.

je ne vois pas trop le rapport d'ailleurs avec la suite qui est très douce, très atmosphérique et qui nous transporte sûrement ailleurs que dans une gare ou un atelier, avec en plus des voix assez exotiques.

Est ce un train qui nous emmène en Afrique par exemple, , pourquoi pas, on a le droit de rêver, en tout cas j'aime tout le reste de la musique et moins l'intro.

Par contre pourquoi cette brusque interruption, est ce un problème lors de l'exportation en mp3 ? moi cela m'arrive souvent que mes musiques soient légèrement coupées à la fin alors qu'elles ne le sont pas quand elles sont dans MAGIX.

Bravo ! Franco, un très beau travail encore une fois.

5 étoiles et dans mes favoris,




jjnicholls55 wrote on 4/3/2016, 12:46 AM

Hey Galaegala

lovely mix. everything blends well and fits just right. good job.



Former user wrote on 4/3/2016, 3:43 AM

Great Sounds!!! Very good Performence!!!

Like this Sounds:)


Former user wrote on 4/3/2016, 8:33 AM

Gerne gehört ein schönes Stück.


tgfmusica wrote on 4/3/2016, 11:59 AM

Prima o poi troverai il pianeta che stai cercando, comunque questo viaggi è stato fantastico, saluti da tgfmusica, Gianfranco, ciao

be-polar wrote on 4/4/2016, 2:17 AM

another adventure made by someone who´s already a master of his genre - after my opinion it could even be a little longer...the end is a little cut-off (an error of magix?)

TrishM wrote on 4/4/2016, 6:32 AM

Hi Franco

Jinty wrote on 4/4/2016, 11:16 PM

Hello Franco,

A track that is totally wonderful, you are a master,Kudos to you!!!!!!!

All the best,


Nickillus wrote on 4/5/2016, 6:25 AM

Just superb work, Franco.  Great use of sound effects to lead us in, introducing a human element.  Your synth composing is always exemplary, and the sounds simply gorgeous - rich , lush carpets of sound waves to wallow in.  You take us there and make our minds create the space to inhabit.  Brilliant.


bikergsx wrote on 4/5/2016, 4:11 PM

Ciao Franco,

Yet another superb venture into your atmoshpheric musical mindscape.  Absorbing from the start to the end.  Well done my friend. Best wishes, Rob.

Maury wrote on 4/6/2016, 8:30 PM

......Un sound ambience.......davvero d'effetto!         Bravo Franco!

                                                                                           Saluti         Maury.

Alighiero-Tozzi wrote on 4/8/2016, 9:40 AM

Bello anche se mi lascia un poco perplesso ma comprendo i tuoi intenti.

Last changed by Alighiero-Tozzi on 4/8/2016, 9:40 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Ho scritto la mia prima canzone nel 1991, ho smesso nel 1993 dopo aver realizzato un piccolo album casalingo e ho ripreso a scrivere e comporre nel 2011 dopo tanto tempo passato in tante occupazioni.

Fin da piccolo ho amato la canzone italiana da De Andrè a De Gregori, da Tenco a Branduardi, La New Wave ed il rock classico. Ringrazio la mia professoressa di musica delle scuole medie per avermi fatto ascoltare a 11 anni la musica classica che è la mia vera passione.