
Beamish-Spartano wrote on 7/10/2010, 12:25 AM
Hallo mein Guter Freund! Ich bin Sehr Glücklich das du zurück Gefunden hast. Du hörst in deinen Herzen und Glaubst an Gott, und Gott wird dich denn richtigen weg führen,
Sehr schöne Musik, 5* Herzlichen Gruß deine Musikfreunde Joachim und Hans!

Hallo Musikfreunde,  jeder hat mal Probleme mit das Abmischen seine Musik der eine weniger als der Andere, ich Biete euch an für ein Kleine Betrag, das Abmischen eure Musik zu Übernehmen, bei Interesse bitte Hier oder in mein Solo Profil Anmelden, Alles andere werde ich euch bei Interesse Informieren, herzlichen Gruß Spartano!  

Former user wrote on 7/10/2010, 12:54 AM

Hi Rana, I am with you and I share in full your reasons, you always follow your heart, follow your mind, follow your family, follow your friend, follow your love only for all the earth's good things as your music ..sweet ad delicate.
I remain , for example, in this comunity just for few friends you !! otherwise I would have gone away already ..
I'm with you Rana !!!
And now ..the music :
Another track with search of elegant passages.. a night / fusion  music delicatevery pleasant and relaxing
this  5**** are sincere !!!
I embrace you and your family  with love
Antonio Fiorillo


Former user wrote on 7/10/2010, 1:29 AM
dear rana,
sometimes life forces the wise guys to pull its emergency brake - just to reflect - the only way to grow as a person! even if the phylosophical and human questions of our modern society may lead us to despair sometimes - i got no doubt: they will make you stronger every time because you got the power to see them and allow them - this is what it´s all about to become & to be a strong personality - as you for shure are my friend!!!
this song is as always music for grown-ups, perfectly done in your special mood, letting us room to interpret & find ourselfs in it!
feel embraced my friend!
massi04 wrote on 7/10/2010, 1:32 AM
Dear Rana,
Hope and faith is the best consolation. Always be patient and never feel lost or give up. -
This is another excellent track by you!

My heart is with you
Former user wrote on 7/10/2010, 2:47 AM
exellente chill musik richtig klasse gemacht dafür gibt es 5*
Sect.23 wrote on 7/10/2010, 4:48 AM
WoW!!! Rana!!! I am lost for words...a little "buzzed" right now, but ..........WoW!!!  I'll be back to make a formal crtique! But not tonight, for now,...I will just ENJOY!!! :p

Lotsa luv bud!
LEFTHANDER wrote on 7/10/2010, 5:02 AM
HI Rhana,

dieser Track ist sehr Ambient.....mehr Akzente und ein roter Faden der durch den Track führt würden das Ganze noch interessanter gestalten.

Former user wrote on 7/10/2010, 5:26 AM
Hello my friend, I am happy of your return and wholeheartedly with you.
Very beautiful music, delicate and melodious.

Regards, Olivier
tomsiedler1 wrote on 7/10/2010, 5:46 AM
hi Rhana my friend.missed you many weeks :-)..but now you are back.......with a great Track, i love it , and the bass line is fantastic
hope to see and hear you now more often
5 *****
your friend tom
Former user wrote on 7/10/2010, 6:05 AM
Hello Rana!

A very, very, very nice work!

So beautiful PianoSounds & lovely harmonies!

It's so slowly & dreamy!

So wonderful relaxed!

Nice, Nice, Nice!


Keep going!

Best regards!

Pyrex wrote on 7/10/2010, 6:28 AM
Hi rana,
the beginning of the song is excellent, but
than he gets more and more boring, especially the piano.(only my taste)

I´m missing something like an refrain, or theme...

But it was nice to hear something from you after a long time,
and...don´t kill me:-)

datamix wrote on 7/10/2010, 8:04 AM

I'm with you, I am going through difficult times, and music saved me.
the song conveys what I write and produce, do not stop

beautiful song
my regards
and support
Frantzi wrote on 7/10/2010, 10:57 AM
Glad to see and hear that you are back...
Even my wife asked yesterday : What is with Rana, shouldn´t you try to reach him per email...

Good and great creation with wich you returned to the Comm...
Very interesting poem, didn´t know anything about this poet,  although Hungary is only a few km´s away from Vienna...
Former user wrote on 7/10/2010, 11:44 AM
Very nice and cool!
As usual ;)
hope youl  fine;)

greetings Max Sampla
StoneFace wrote on 7/10/2010, 11:46 AM

It is all fate ....
The truth, each in itself establish itself, every day anew.

Sometimes it is difficult to recognize the "right" way .....

Very good music, I like this style.
Former user wrote on 7/10/2010, 1:20 PM
Hi Rana,
I have just listened to your song. You have once again created great piece. It is timeless it may be enjoying it when it sounds. You always have interesting pieces that I like. I wish you a nice weekend and continued good ideas for your music.

I also wish you luck and that you will find good solutions for your worries but I think your music helps you too;at least a little.

LG Sigrid
Guitorb wrote on 7/10/2010, 6:31 PM
 It must be gratifying and comforting to read what care your friends on the Magix forum have for you dear Rana. I am also reminded of the words of a poet (though much the more contemporary),"The love you take is equal to the love you gave". Pardon my paraphrase. You give a lotta love my friend.
papajeff wrote on 7/10/2010, 11:50 PM
Hi Rana, a very melancholy melody, but on how you've stuffed yourself, it is no wonder.
I hope you're doing better, in Germany there is a claim: what does not kill you makes you stronger!
By the way, matrimonial, we are all more or less nomadic...i´m too!
Regards, Jeff

holie wrote on 7/11/2010, 8:17 AM
Desr Rana, once a really wise man said to me: Do not say God, he should free you of the column, if you cling yourself on that! So, the Humanity 'clings' are > the lie "all persons are basically bad". . to explain, why the world is, how it is . . . . and the lie "There is only one truth!" without explaining, that this "truth" has nothing to do with worldly religions.   Let's question THAT yet . . . . and let's live finally the contrast ! warm greetings, with joy about the fact that you are here again ! Thanks ! Karin
TomsRockHouse wrote on 7/11/2010, 9:16 AM
Dear Rana,

I won't reflect on the lines you wrote, but will leave a few lines refering to the song.

I admire the ambient fusion style in it and especially the funky bass, which is really great. Unfortunatelly the drums are in not in the clue - just regarding the mix.
The playing of the drums is great, but there should be more working on them regarding the sound. They need to be balanced with the bass.
On the other hand I'm still looking for a "line to follow" in the arrangement. And some accentual playing like the wonderful jazzy fusion end.

Former user wrote on 7/11/2010, 9:25 AM
hello Rana.

Lange nichts von dir gehört.
Wie gehts denn so?

Da hast einen schönen ruigen Song mit einem Perfect klingenden piano hingelegt.
Gefällt mir gut zum abschalten und die sinne schweifen lassen.
Nur wiess ich leider nicht worums geht da ich kein Englisch kann.
Aber song KLASSE.


FikoKasasz wrote on 7/11/2010, 9:53 AM
i like it so much^^
jorual wrote on 7/11/2010, 12:03 PM
Hi Rana,

I am glad you are back. There is always a way and a decision that is good and it is
very difficult to ascertain. But God is always beside you and your family to help with these decisions. Be strong. My best wishes.
Beautiful melody that you did, a bit romantic and melancholic at same time. True your style of make music.

Regards Jorual
marechal wrote on 7/11/2010, 1:43 PM
Héllo   rana     musik  klasse  5*.  marechal..