One For Sorrow (TS)

Rana wrote on 1/9/2010, 2:30 AM
With the aroma of love already having started to spread in the air for the month ahead, yet there are many around us who are way far apart for good from their reason of carrying on.

This present is dedicated to all broken hearted friends and at the same time I would like to enjoy the liberty given by Tommy to forward this track for Kreativ Cafe under the monthly theme.

100% midi work.

Cover acknowledgments - Lilly White.


Former user wrote on 1/9/2010, 2:57 AM
Sweet and delicate... a sound more FUSION / NIGHT that I love because relax my heart and my mind ... There is a lot of need of sweetness and love in this world ..
This night 5 stars shine in in the sky for you.
Your friend
Deneu wrote on 1/9/2010, 3:01 AM
Hello Rana,
Superb music. Soft party between friends. The art of the nice. Perfect.

redisland wrote on 1/9/2010, 3:15 AM
da hast du wieder eine klasse arbeit gemacht
gruss dieter
bluebox wrote on 1/9/2010, 3:19 AM
Wonderful played.....a great melody!!!

Frechdax wrote on 1/9/2010, 3:50 AM
 besser wie ich biste
beabea wrote on 1/9/2010, 4:06 AM
very nice & relaxing sound...perfect lounge music to accompany a friendly conversation......*fav*
NurMusik wrote on 1/9/2010, 4:20 AM
Great, my wife love it..  my too perhaps.



Former user wrote on 1/9/2010, 4:21 AM
That is not my music taste, however it sounds technically perfectly. Very good playing!
But,.. for me it is not Classic, it is Jazz or Lounge.

Keep on with your music, we need the variety in this com!

Ps.: You have use a real Keyboard or VST-Plugin?

Former user wrote on 1/9/2010, 4:33 AM
 Hi Rana,
your music is very good. It is a well-rounded package. The piano and the drums go well together. The theme is beautiful chosen. At the beginning you start with a melody fills the heart and it goes after the introduction into a sadder part. I would have liked for me the heartfullfilling piano the whole song. Nevertheless, a wonderful piece of music.
Kind regards. ELIAS

Former user wrote on 1/9/2010, 4:35 AM
Beau Lounge, trés convivial et relaxant avec une belle melodie au clavier.
Former user wrote on 1/9/2010, 4:43 AM
ein wunderschöner Song zum träumen.
Es ist ein Klaase Stück wie du selbst geschrieben hast für liebende oder die einen Trennungsschmerz verarbeiten müssen.
Es ist einfach nur perfekt.

mfg Conny
TommyG wrote on 1/9/2010, 5:14 AM
Excellent one. This is dreammusic at its best. Congratulations for this masterpiece You are playing an expressive, smoothy an jazzy Piano, I´m really impressed.

massi04 wrote on 1/9/2010, 5:36 AM
You have a sensitive feeling for the musik that broken hearts need to cheer them up. Excellent!
Soulbridge wrote on 1/9/2010, 6:05 AM
Hi Rana,

ok, allowedly, i also think, it is not realy classic, but more jazz, but in spite of this, it is a wonderfull music, verry relaxing and a good feeling for our mind.
It is a good work and i get the impression, you will make it more and more better.
With your music, you are filling a hole in the difference kind of musc in this com.
And so, you give us something, we need.
So, thank you...

well done,

holie wrote on 1/9/2010, 6:09 AM
Wonderfull, dear Rana !   A conciliatory song that slinks itself softly into broken hearts! For a sad child, Rana it takes into the arms and gives a piece of chocolate Exzelllent. Dear greeting, Karin (perhaps I hear an small sloping tone on 1:15?)
MartinJr wrote on 1/9/2010, 6:17 AM
Great track!
M.Krauss wrote on 1/9/2010, 6:58 AM
Former user wrote on 1/9/2010, 7:12 AM
Very good music, i like it very well.

Gr Ray.
Former user wrote on 1/9/2010, 7:37 AM
Hello Rana!

This is a beautiful song!

I love it!

Beautiful Piano-Sounds - a very nice Piano-Ballade!

A wonderful MIDI-Work!

Don't be so sad!

Life has so many different ways to offer for us!

Keep going with your good work!


Best regards!

Former user wrote on 1/9/2010, 7:43 AM
not my direktion, but very well made....

a classical jazz music with impressions
to sit back and relax..!!

beautiful work on the theme of the month !!

binobino wrote on 1/9/2010, 8:02 AM
Qualität und Klasse Grüße binobino
Former user wrote on 1/9/2010, 8:10 AM
nicht meine Musik aber trotzdem klasse Arbeit!

LG, Werner
Former user wrote on 1/9/2010, 8:41 AM
Hallo Rana.
Ein beruigendes Lied.
Erinert mich an einer offenen Landschaft, wo der Mensch allein Mit seiner Geliebten spatzieren geht.
So anfang Frühling oder so.
Schöner Song.

LG: Bouluu