You Are Here To Stay (Sie sind hier, um zu bleiben)

Bradford-Alan-Davidson wrote on 2/2/2025, 2:08 PM
Tags: Chill out, Ambient, Easy listening

A song about the Second Coming of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. All will be made right. We will finally be at Peace.

Some may come;

Some may go;

This I know You're here to stay.

Sunny days;

Rainy days;

This I know You're here to stay.

You are here to stay.

You are here to stay.

Ein Lied über die Wiederkunft unseres Herrn und Erlösers Jesus Christus. Alles wird wieder in Ordnung gebracht werden. Wir werden endlich in Frieden sein.

Einige mögen kommen;

Einige mögen gehen;

Das, ich weiß, Du bist hier, um zu bleiben.

Sonnige Tage;


Das, ich weiß, Du bist hier, um zu bleiben.

Sie sind hier, um zu bleiben.

Sie sind hier, um zu bleiben.


Alter-Falter wrote on 2/3/2025, 11:41 AM

... ...

HenryHeadporn wrote on 2/3/2025, 3:34 PM

aloha, hope is great ... greta voice and great music ... 👍☀️🌞 ... 🎤🎼🎯 ... 🙃😌👽

Paolo-Brenner wrote on 2/3/2025, 3:37 PM

Great epos of relaxing sounds!!

kreativ_music wrote on 2/4/2025, 9:22 AM

Wundervoll 🙂👌👌❤️💯 LG, Tine

Vio-Project wrote on 2/4/2025, 2:43 PM

As usual from you, another great piece of music from the States! A wonderful pop ballad! From the lyrics I gather that it is a love song. Vocally, an absolutely beautiful performance! Musically, a wonderful and masterful arrangement! 💯💯💯💯💯👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯💯👌👌👌👌👌👑👑👑👑👑💯💯💯💯💯

Please stay healthy, see you soon and best wishes from Sylvio 😎

To keep your voice as good as it is, here's some more beer. 🍺🍺🍺

Paulo.Costa wrote on 2/5/2025, 3:21 PM

Wow, very religious, well done, Jesus in charge... Congratulations Brad. APPLAUSE

badwashbear wrote on 2/10/2025, 5:08 PM

hello Bradford
that's an excellent song.
Beautiful melody and the vocals too.