Change loops Chords

bernadusjoyful wrote on 9/13/2014, 2:58 PM

After Struggling for a whole day and ignoring family affection. God Bless music and my Family. I managed to work around the pitch shift chord thingy problem>>>>>


Okay, whatever version of magix music studio you are using, they have provided you with numbers that represent chords either major or a minor. ( you can find the numbers on top of your soundpool.

1 is a C major chrod.

2  is a D minor chord.


3 is a E minor chord.


4 is a F major chord.

5 is a G major chord.

6 is a A minor chord.

7 is a A sharp major chord.

Now let us say your song starts with  C minor, go to the soundpool click on the sound you like, (do not drag it to the empty track yet) then select on the number that is closes to C minor let us say number 2 since it is  D minor, drag and put it in your track. double click on it to open  or use ctrl and O.

Once object editor is open use the pitch shift wheel to adjust the chord until it sounds like a C minor. or you can count in half steps going backwards(I think). remember if you want a to change to a major chord repeat the same process and select a major sound this time.

Hopes this helps.

Sorry no images.



landrew wrote on 10/31/2014, 5:38 PM

thanks man, why have they done this to us, thank god you sat down and worked things out, I just need to work out how to change the tempo of the drum loops now :)

landrew wrote on 10/31/2014, 6:31 PM

also I think 7 could be B Dim, just saying. I am not impressed at all with the loops, all the rock ones I have checked out are all 120bpm and in C major, can we not easily change the Key and Tempo like in garageband.

Former user wrote on 1/16/2015, 7:01 AM

Those 7 chords are representing the C major scale, where the the 7. chord should

actually be B dim. But anyway diminished chords are hardly used in pop music. So

they replaced B dim with B flat major. B flat major is the subtonic of  C. The subtonic

is used very often in pop music. So I´d rather call the 7.chord B flat  instead of 

A sharp.


If you "compose" your songs within C major / A minor you might not have to

pitch shift any chord.

chase-steenburg wrote on 12/21/2017, 6:05 PM

How were you able to figure out what pitch each number is?

drgnsprt wrote on 11/28/2018, 9:25 AM

Using MM19 here, there's no way to edit an object from the soundloop... no menu, no button, only properties...?

Also, the Pitches button with down arrow at the top right on the arranger screen is always greyed out... So does this mean you're stuck with whatever key the soundloop was recorded in, and cant change it?

Also, some of the loops are longer, some are shorter. If the longer ones dont follow your chord arrangement, is there a way to cut them so that it still sounds good? Shortening the loop and pasting another one in different key usually ends up being a mess. Otherwise, you end up with, say, two short loops in C and A, followed by a longer loop all in C, so when it gets to the A section, the longer loop in C sounds out of tune (naturally). Haven't figured this out yet.



chase-steenburg wrote on 11/28/2018, 12:53 PM

Using MM19 here, there's no way to edit an object from the soundloop... no menu, no button, only properties...?

Also, the Pitches button with down arrow at the top right on the arranger screen is always greyed out... So does this mean you're stuck with whatever key the soundloop was recorded in, and cant change it?

Also, some of the loops are longer, some are shorter. If the longer ones dont follow your chord arrangement, is there a way to cut them so that it still sounds good? Shortening the loop and pasting another one in different key usually ends up being a mess. Otherwise, you end up with, say, two short loops in C and A, followed by a longer loop all in C, so when it gets to the A section, the longer loop in C sounds out of tune (naturally). Haven't figured this out yet.



You should be able to click the zoom to loop button or something like that. I can't really remember what it's called right now yeah, but if you quit at button you will Zoom way in to the in entire Loop and be able to edit it.

I also noticed then the pitches drop down menu is grayed out for me as well. However, I believe that the menu is just a few different presets that can be used across the entire song. You are still able to change each section manually.


Speaking of manually, let's say you have a section in the key of C and then have it change over to A minor. If you were to layer another sound pool down in the key of C that happens to go over this section of C and A minor, you can select the longer C Loop, put the play cursor in between the C and A minor section, press letter T on the keyboard to cut the longer C Loop, then you can change the pitch of the second section to A minor.

chase-steenburg wrote on 11/30/2018, 11:56 PM

I'd just like to say that the pitches drop down is working for me. Must have been an update I guess.