configure outlook for MAGIX email account

Black wrote on 2/4/2011, 6:23 AM


ATTENTION: There is a better email-client guide available now at the domain-faq section under "help & support" for outlook and thunderbird in different languages. e.g. in english:


This is a short tutorial on the topic - "how to configure and use microsoft outlook for your MAGIX email account". I have used Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 to create the tutorial. Some details may vary in other outlook versions.

First click on Email Accounts at menu bar option Tools. And select Add a new email-account. Then click Next.


select POP3 and Next


Enter the Name and E-mail Address of the desired account in the next form.
The settings for Incoming mail server (POP3) and Outgoing mail server (SMTP) vary because MAGIX works in older domains with a different E-Mail service as with all new domains.
To get the right setting for your domain, login to the MAGIX Control Center. Select Domain & email > Email and click on more > Email program settings of the desired E-Mail account.
My domain still works with the old service, so I see following data:


and I have to use the following settings

Incoming mail server (POP3):

Outgoing mail server (SMTP):



All domains that were registered since middle 2010, are already working with the new system. In this case use the following settings:

Incoming mail server (POP3):
Outgoing mail server (SMTP):



Complete the form by entering the E-mail address as User Name and the related Password.
Finally select More Settings > Outgoing Server and activate checkbox My outgoing Server (SMTP) requires authentication with the option Use same setting as my incomming mail server.



Then make sure that correct ports are used (POP3: 110 und SMTP: 25) and the checkbox for the encrypted connection (SSL) options is not activated under the tab Advanced.



After pressing OK use Test Account Settings...


Regards, Black


eric302jones wrote on 7/27/2012, 1:53 AM

this is something I really want to set up but I'm new to this program, like today new, but I definatly want to try this with outlook 2010 it appears to be a similer process. Thanks for the info.

ajer12 wrote on 3/6/2017, 7:48 PM

Try as I may I can't set up Magix email on my Android mobile phone, none of the above settings work yet my other email programme's, Outlook and Gmail virtually set up themselves in a matter of a few minutes. My only option is to open a web browser which seems a rather outdated and laborious task.

Black wrote on 3/14/2017, 5:37 AM

Try as I may I can't set up Magix email on my Android mobile phone, none of the above settings work yet my other email programme's, Outlook and Gmail virtually set up themselves in a matter of a few minutes. My only option is to open a web browser which seems a rather outdated and laborious task.

@ajer12 you should try to use the guide from the faq:

richardspencer007 wrote on 10/28/2021, 12:21 PM

How come gmail does not recognise any of the incoming server settings nor password I have.


Richard Spencer