
IndyJJC wrote on 12/20/2008, 8:20 AM
Its a great piece of software and I've learned a lot by just doing. But this tutorial is way too brief and incomplete.  Why not use an interactive approach.  It should go step by step creating a small slide show, discussing all options.  For instance, I'm very confused about setting up the menu.  As an international company it might help to explain how I set up for USA or European DVD creation. 
ebassiri wrote on 1/4/2009, 6:35 PM
Is this PDF file for MAGIX Photostory 7? I do not see many of the menu items that are in this file. It is quite informative otherwise. Thanks for the effort. I would like to see a User's Manual in PDF format for MAGIX Xtreme PhotoStory 7. Thanks.

BarbRog wrote on 1/9/2009, 3:26 PM
I recently bought the software to make slide shows from the photos. Have done two "dummy runs" of DVDs, in preparation for the holiday photos with a few hundred photos. There seems to be a narrow range of the photo effects. Though I'll give it a go and work my way through the workshop.
kats67 wrote on 10/27/2009, 9:07 PM
I totally agree with the other users, the tutorial is very weak for such an elaborate program. I really wish you had a better user friendly way to teach this program. Help system through the program is weak as well. Can't find out how to remove the black borders after importing pictures. MS PhotoStory addresses this at the first screen and does it for you, very simple. Lot of features, just hard to learn quickly.
monique1226 wrote on 11/19/2009, 4:34 PM
I'm very frustrated with this software.  This software was rated number one in the 2009 TopTenReviews, presumably because of the full range of features.  However, if the user can't figure out how to use the features, then they're worthless.  A full user guide, with examples is desperately needed.  The on-line knowledge base is also very weak.  The majority of questions have no answers and the answers which are there don't make much sense.  Has anyone found a decent source of training material yet?
peterguy wrote on 12/5/2009, 10:48 AM
I thought it was just me. I've been playing with this on and off for months and can't make heads or tails of it. Can't find any really useful tutorials. can't find any books to compliment the software. By comparison Adobe makes this look rediculous. i work with Lightroom and the online tutorials and available literature are absolutely superb. As monique1226 says.........what's the pont if you can't usei t?????
tste wrote on 12/8/2009, 8:37 PM
First of all I agree with everyone else - the documentation is so poor it almost renders the product useless. Secondly, I am very disappointed in all of the reviews I read prior to purchasing PhotoStory 8 - all rated this product the best, and described it as intuitive, user friendly, etc, which it is definetely is not. At any rate, if anyone ever hears abour or writes a better, step-by-step "how to" manual, we would all appreciate knowing about it.
cactusguy wrote on 3/13/2010, 3:50 PM
Love the slideshow capabilities BUT totally agree that there needs to be much better documentation and tutorials.  The DVD burning process is extremely frustrating and puzzling.  It should not take sveral hours to burn a DVD.  Did you pay off TopTenReviews to give Xtreme Photo Story the best rating?  I've run into problems with the program intermittently not recognizing fade selections and no where to find an answer.  Is there anyone working on making this more intuitive and user friendly?  It has all the features I want but how do I learn how to use them?
RayArt wrote on 4/4/2010, 3:20 PM
I have to agree with everyone here. I too bought this product on the strenth of the reveiws and I have to say it looks wonderful.  But I have spent hours trying to figure out how to use it.  Going through the Help files didn't help much.  We need some decent tutorials.  Magix, please put some step-by-step tutorial on your website that we can download.  Otherwise I can see this going in the bin!  Other product may not have all the bells and whistles but I can see they have better support for their users.  PLEASE, PLEASE can we have some easy to follow tutorials!
hundstina wrote on 5/22/2010, 4:31 PM
I've had this program for a couple of years. But I don't use it very much, as I can't figure out how things work. It is very annoying and I get frustrated over having a couple of programs in my computer that really mak me feel stupid every time I open them.
Please make a better tutorial for both Photomanager and Movie Maker (and then make them translated into all different language possible).
cmgovier wrote on 8/7/2010, 2:15 PM

I agree with what is being said in the other commnets.  I just got the program and came to this site hoping for some tutorials - there is none!!  This is an expensive product and should have at least some support for the users.

reb1935 wrote on 9/10/2010, 3:59 PM

So I`m not the only one unhappy with this program. I`ve got music on my slideshow I can`t get rid of! And trying to get answers on the net is useless. Back to Windows DVD maker for me! Fast and straightforward to use.

Mossman wrote on 9/27/2010, 10:30 AM

Sure wish I would of found this site before I purchased the program ... if I don't figure something out soon, my wife is going to club me over the head with a frying pan. You see, I told her I could do all these neat things with some old photos of her family. After simply one day it became apparent that the program was lacking in basic "how-to" stuff. This is not my first rodeo when it comes to mult-media software, so, like a dummy, I assumed that there would be a basic learning path ... if there is, it seems to be hidden in the help(less) file.  Oh, I'll figure it out sooner or later but Magix could make this a whole lot easier by simply assuming that I am a novice buying the program, and it is their wish to help me become a professional ... hell, write a book or something ... I would even buy that ... if it would help ... for now, think I'll stay out of the kitchen ...

hck122 wrote on 10/28/2010, 4:52 PM

I totally  agree!

RedOak wrote on 11/15/2010, 5:12 PM

I agree with everybody about the tutorials and yes I would buy a book on how to use it.

I have been successful just by persiverance and trying everything. I realy like it and have gotten

very fast at doing them.

randj wrote on 2/28/2011, 11:46 AM

I have to agree with everyone regarding tutorials. Also I am unable to even register my copy of PhotoStory 9! I got as far as Burn and a pop up told me to register. No registration, no Burn! Dont try phoning - its useless.

turbo wrote on 11/28/2011, 3:02 AM

Listen I need to operate my new program what is this nonsence as the step by step is hog wash no answers no info if I were a genius I would have made my own programe but I AM NOT! so I spend my well earned money to by yours and I am left in the dark comon this is crap

npoinsette wrote on 1/12/2012, 2:59 PM

Well, I printed the PDF out and will try later but I thought there would be videos to watch and learn. I haven't had any luck accessing them.

jcs200 wrote on 1/15/2012, 1:06 PM

I just upgraded to 10 Deluxe Same old story program indicates it includes a introductory video but as usual no video.  atry and follow the printe instructions is ridiculous.  I think the Germans need a leeson in honesty.

mikepidd wrote on 1/17/2012, 12:06 PM

I have just added to a new slideshow with 168 pictures and titles with relative ease. The problem that I have now is editing these pictures. I have successfully edited the picture I have in the system and have reviewed the slideshow and it looks perfect.......................................Burning this show reverts back to the original project!! It is nervewracking to burn many DVD's to have the same original without the changes on the same disc.


rojest wrote on 1/31/2012, 5:50 AM

Magix PhotoStory 10

I too thought that I was the only one who was frustrated with this programme.  After reading all the reviews about how good it is I paid out quite a lot of money to purchase it.  I managed to do quite a lot of things by learning as I went on but eventually I found the need for instructions.  The PDF file was a joke, so was the brief video and  help files .  I dont think I have ever used a programme which had so many bells and whistles but left you to find out how to use them - without any instructions.  They tell you what you can create brilliant slide shows and show what it can do, but they dont show you how to actually do it.  So, if anyone can suggest a better programme for slideshows I would be grateful.

mwebb wrote on 3/8/2012, 3:07 PM

Looking at the dates on these comments and the same negative comments version after version I am sorry I purchased this software. It is obvious that Magix is not responsive to it's current customers needs and therefore new costumers should not be surprised at the lack of helpful documentation and product support. I'm starting to doubt whether the software actually function as advertised. Not a bad business model as long as you don't expect return customers.

mb7501 wrote on 3/10/2012, 9:49 PM

I need some help!!! I'm a first time Magix user, and I have a short story togher. And I.m trying to see what is the best way to make this work on my website. I'm using dreamweaver and I'm not having any luck. Can some point me in the right way?



ellyb wrote on 10/2/2012, 10:47 AM

I am still in a disput with MAGIX because I want my money back. This is an extreme unconfortable program. I have a photo story with 160 pictures, but I can not add narration, nor music. I always get the message: the selected folder is passwort protected.