Making of Chopped and screwed Music By MMM 16 Premium

nihon94 wrote on 6/8/2010, 4:12 AM

I was trying to use MMM 16 Premium in making of Chopped and screwed Music that was started by DJ Screw in the early 1990s.

I can say MMM 16 Premium showed me new ways and I am able to make some as test project.
The audio I am sharing is based on two parts, in second part I also have reversed the vocals notice the difference.
Here is a detail:
Style Hiphop

1  Bass reversed
2. Drum reversed
3. Drum kept original
4. Guitar muted
5. Key muted
6. Pad kept original
7.Vocals, drum effect applied also used mixer. Reduced to 60 BPM
In second part only Vocal reversed rest of the tracks remain same as in part one.

Listen and enjoy.

Thank you


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