Quick Guide to transferring VHS to DVD using Magix software

FongTien wrote on 4/15/2011, 3:57 PM

Quick Guide
• For Quality stop all computer scanners and other software packages before starting
• For best Quality video capture to Magix – Click – Configuration- 4:3
• For best Quality export to MPEG2 – Click – File – Export – MPEG2 – Select Ratio: 4:3
• For best Quality burn from Nero – Click – Configuration – 4:3 or 16:9 for sharpness
• For best Quality TV viewing – To remove black lines on screen – Press 'Zoom' button (if burned
at 16:9 ratio) on DVD/TV remote control or flick between screen formats on DVD/TV 4:3 or
16:9, Select Dynamic setting.

VHS to DVD noddy guide
1. Stop all scanners and other software packages – if these are left on they cause distortion to
recording and burning.
2. Open magix
3. Select New Project. Name new project.
4. Connect transfer device

5. Click – Record
6. Click – VHS tape
7. The transfer preview page pops up
8. Keep top two entries

9. Change folder for saving recording
10. Name recording

11. Select the identical equipment to your media player i.e. vhs to vhs, dvd to dvd etc
12. If wanting to listen and watch your preview, make sure audio and video checked
13. If you don't want to sit around waiting for the recording to finish select and check timer(left
click and drag mouse over number one, then insert time period
14. Take a moment to check process from 1-12
15. If VHS to VHS setting - Click configuration and set TV format ratio to 4:3(if not already set), If
DVD to DVD – set TV format to 16:9, keep Quality at 73-75%(you can try quality at 100%, I
have found that dropped frames occur after approx 45-60 mins of recording, I then had to
follow stages 30 to 46 and the quality was sharper. If you have the time to sit and stop the video
player each time frames dropped then replay and record then the 100% quality marking is well
worth it).
16. Press play button on video player to check VHS tape is at desired place (Picture should appear
in 'Preview Screen')
17. Audio bar should show decibel levels in two orange lines which fluctuate in length
18. *Important:See No 1* No audio or picture(sometimes if you connect transfer device before
stage 1, magix may not log it and sound/video may not appear). Disconnect transfer device and
go back to stage 1
19. Once audio and picture are on transfer preview page, click – record, then sit back and chill.

20. If dropped frames appear, stop recording, click – Configuration - reduce quality from
75%(73% very successful)(if dropped frames occur again follow this process again until zero or
under 10 drops appear. If drops continue to be over 10 then go to Configuration and change
format to 16:9. I've found that using 16:9 does not drop frames, so why not use it at the start of
the process? Capturing at 16:9 streamlines your film, but when burning it at 4:3 the picture is
enlarged and pixel blotches appear, burning it at 16:9 seems to try and condense an already
condensed film and produces the same effect as 4:3. Both burns are viewable if you don't mind
the slight grainier effect)
P.S. Having '0' dropped frames is no guarantee that your video capture will be fully
synchronized with audio and picture see stages 30-40)
21. Reducing Quality under 19% causes a very grainy, blotchy effect on recording(not worth
doing). If dropped frames continue follow stages 30-40
22. Once your recording is complete - Click - OK button on transfer preview page(this will take
you to the timeline page)
23. Click the Edit button
24. The recording will be logged as a DIP file. Click Save button immediately.(at this stage I would
close the program and log back in to allow it to register the 'save' fully).
25. It is crucial that you check the playback on the Edit page once logged back in after saving.
26. If you have been lucky enough and your video and audio are in sync, it is crucial that you
export your recording to your video files. Click -file, click – export – Select 4:3 or16:9 format,
select Progressive for VHS to VHS. If you aren't too concerned about quality, choose avi, for
MPEGs you will need to obtain an activation code – a prompt will appear if you are wanting to
use MPEGs

27. I've found that if you export 4:3 capture 16:9 or 4:3 on Magix it is much quicker than going straight to burn on Nero.
28. Once export type is selected, the 'Mix down' info bar will appear on the bottom of the screen in the form of a yellow line which will travel all the way to the end of the screen upon completion(usually takes double the time of the original capture video e.g. 1hr 15min video captured my Magix, exporting time 2hrs 30mins)
29. Once exported successfully you will now have digitised your recording, hence making it easier to burn to disc.
30. At this stage it is crucial that you open the exported recording and check syncs are ok.If yes you can proceed to use the magix burn facility. I prefer to use Nero, please see process below. If syncs have jumped out of line, open saved Dip project and follow stage 31-40
31. Burning from Nero;
A.Open nero
B.Click - Make own dvd
C.Add file saved from export process(Stage 25)
D.Click – More – Configurations – video – 16:9
E.Choose Standard Play (choose long play if export larger than burn disc or you want to fit multiple export onto one burn disc)
F. Click – Next, if happy with simple template
G. Click drop down in top right hand corner to disable templates and menus in order to fit your film onto disc if problems regarding size of film
H.Click – Play, button on remote control or screen to make sure movie still linked (if export not linked click – back twice and redo the process from A). Film will play automatically in DVD player if disabled templates and menus

32. If audio and video out of sync on magix
33. Click – Edit tab
34. Select your new digitised video and drag it to the timeline (if it isn't there already)
35. If you have recorded a large section of film (15mins plus), cut into smaller manageable sections - Click – top section of film to show (S)(Starting point for playback and cutting)
36. Press (T), this will split the film so you can complete action in Stages 20 & 28
37. Once you have sectioned your film you can then start to sync audio and video within the selected sectiions. Place cursor over section you want to sync, you will have to wait until the cursor turns into a hooked hand type cursor
38. Once mouse over required section, Right click your mouse
39. Select setting 'Audio and Video settings', the audio frames setting interface now appears in the middle of the screen
40. Test out the settings. I've found that if the audio is faster than the video image, the left buttons slow them down to sync with video image and for speeding up audio I use the right buttons to sync with the video image
41. Once sync completed follow stages 25-29
42. Once vhs transferred to dvd successfully, insert dvd into dvd player, get yourself a cup of tea and a slice of cake then kick back and enjoy the show.

43. If you are planning to do multi VHS to DVD transfers please guidance below;
44. On successful completion of the burn to disc and review process it is important to note – Save space on computer for optimum performance
45. Delete Magix and Nero projects created and empty from recycling bin
46. Save exported file to external mass storage
47. If need be, make duplicate copies of export and DVD
48. Delete any associated files created during process of DVD creation and empty from recycling bin

VHS to DVD Guide1.pdf