Samplitude Pro X Academy - Workshops

DJ_Anvil wrote on 8/2/2013, 7:46 AM

Achtung: Dies ist lediglich ein Sammelband der bisher erschienenen Online-
Ausgaben und nicht offiziell von Magix! Die Workshops sind kostenlos und an
professionelle Anwender gerichtet. Da viele Funktionen ebenfalls im
Amateurbereich anzutreffen sind, können die Workshops auch in den
Produktlinien Magix Music Maker und Magix Samplitude Music Studio
Verwendung finden.

Samplitude Pro X Academy - Workshops.pdf


hounddoggy56 wrote on 10/27/2013, 4:26 PM

this pdf is a mix of some english and mostly gerrman

any chance of getting a version that is all english?


I am sure others may want the document in other languages as well.


DJ_Anvil wrote on 10/30/2013, 9:06 AM

Hello hounddoggy56,


thanks for your request. I just had done that tutorial in german, but you can get the same (online) tutorials in english by visiting the samplitude website:


If you want, you can copy it and create your own *.pdf document!

GRB wrote on 12/2/2017, 12:52 PM

Let me know what you find in English, very curious and interested in a SamProX3 Academy/Workshop! New to it as of today!

Cheers and may the Music Season be 24/7/365 !

Magix Installed & Loved: ACID Pro 11 / Samplitude Music Studio X8 / Music Maker 2025 Premium / Sound Forge Audio Studio 17 / SF Audio Cleaning Lab 4....

--- Current System: HP Laptop, 64bit, AMD Ryzen 5 7520U with Radeon Graphics, 16gb ram, 256gb SSD, running Win 11 Home and a Seagate 4TB external drive.

clifton-johnson wrote on 7/13/2023, 6:59 PM

mmy power went out, i was working on a project in sampiltude prox3 now I cant find it, I did save it a couple times but did not name it , how can I recover project ??