
Maggico wrote on 3/3/2010, 6:27 AM

Un grand BRAVO

Merci Danke

bobbynuts wrote on 3/3/2010, 5:27 PM
Great tutorial - things make much more more sense when you see somebody else do it.

what program do you use to record your screen ?

Thanks for taking time to show us
commixv wrote on 3/4/2010, 2:58 PM
Hey : )
I use Movie Edit Pro but you need a second version because running the same version twice might cause problems.

best regards : )
lupus_III wrote on 4/3/2010, 10:18 AM
Pretty good mate. I had a lot of fun to do the same project.

Thanks for your tutorial


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LG Lupus_III

LolaLuna wrote on 11/12/2010, 4:01 AM


Thanks for so much for your tutorial, they are super helpful, but wish I knew your lanuage. Can't understand the others, but please feel free to make more tutorial in English.


Thank you



Ps I like the tutorial more when you're talking

JimS123 wrote on 3/27/2011, 10:49 PM

Hi There,

I tool liked seeing it done.. Thanks.. 

not sure why but at one point as you were creating one of the pic files teh cursor sped up radically, and it was hard to follow,  but should I even need an Annoying piece of fruit, I know now exactly where to go.. :)


Regards, JimS   

elcotomono wrote on 6/8/2011, 7:12 AM

Excellent tutorial - easy to follow great result. I'll be checking for more.

sathe wrote on 12/2/2011, 2:22 AM

nice keep it up