Midi input 3 seconds delay??

HeliEye wrote on 2/4/2012, 10:57 AM


I have Magix MX 16 & 17, also the USB Keyboard from Magix, when I hook up my midi keyboard, Magix see's it fine, but, pressing a note takes about 3 seconds before I hear it???

I run a very Fast PC, i7 980X, 12GB memory, all SSD Drives on Windows 7 home premium, 64bit I would have thought this is fast enough?

Trying to play from the midi keyboard is less than useless with this crazy delay...

If anyone has a clue how to fix this I would be eternally grateful..

Many thanks in advance





HeliEye wrote on 2/4/2012, 3:05 PM

I seem to have part identified the problem, I was on WAV in audio settings, but if I use ASIO it works.. sometimes, other times gives me a load of audio distortion??? so still not good.



jakobjoergensen wrote on 7/29/2012, 4:52 AM


Thanks Steve - It worked well on my Windows in VMware Fusion (virutal desktop, Mac OS) - Now everything is in sync thanks to you :)

EovVictor wrote on 8/10/2012, 6:29 AM

I just got the latency issues on the included MIDI keyboard fixed.  How is your MIDI keyboard with the issue?

HeliEye wrote on 8/10/2012, 2:51 PM


I just got the latency issues on the included MIDI keyboard fixed.  How is your MIDI keyboard with the issue?

Hi all sorted, mainly down to fitting a new sound card, Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium HD, latency probs gone 



EovVictor wrote on 8/12/2012, 6:33 PM



I just got the latency issues on the included MIDI keyboard fixed.  How is your MIDI keyboard with the issue?

Hi all sorted, mainly down to fitting a new sound card, Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium HD, latency probs gone 



Very good.