Are You the One?


Former user wrote on 8/5/2011, 8:39 AM

Very very good music.


Sect.23 wrote on 8/6/2011, 2:31 AM

My god Rana......absolutely beautiful. stunning!!! 

Love it, my good friend


Roj wrote on 8/6/2011, 5:55 AM

Bellissimo brano melodico, mi piace molto, come mi piace il genere.

La musica è attraente soprattutto nelle variazioni di tonalità,  col tema

principale armonico e delicato, che si adatta egregiamente alla timbrica

vocale del cantante.

Lo stile compositivo mi ricorda Bob Dylan. Ottimo lavoro.

Ciao da Roy


DJ-Mike-B wrote on 8/6/2011, 6:12 AM

Hi, Rana,

ein wirklich sehr schöner Track!!!

Der Klaus Meine hat auch sehr gut gesungen. I Love it...

Phantastischer Song, sehr gut Gemastert.

5* / FAV

Musikalische Grüße, Mike.

Last changed by DJ-Mike-B on 8/6/2011, 6:14 AM, changed a total of 2 times.

DAW = FL Studio 12, Interface = Behringer "Xenyx X1204 USB", Synthy = "Korg pro Krome", Abhöre = "Adam F5", Master = iZotope "Ozone 7"

Guitorb wrote on 8/6/2011, 10:09 AM

This is a Scorpions song isn't it? It sounds very mellow without the guitars.

vlad wrote on 8/6/2011, 5:58 PM

Nice song , Rana & Co.!


The voice is like from  Scorpions

Best wishes



Alix wrote on 8/7/2011, 4:16 AM

Hello Rana

Compliment for your song nice sound and voice. I like very much midi works.

I wait to hear more of your song.

Former user wrote on 8/7/2011, 4:57 AM

Das ist wirklich ein sehr schönes Stück mein Freund.Es gefällt mir sehr.Die gesamte Umsetzung ist sehr harmonisch und rund.Die Stimme past sich ausgezeichnet deiner Arbeit an und macht den Song ehrlich und weich.Ich mochte den Softrock der Scorpions damal sehr gern und die Stimme von Klaus Meine ist wirklich sehr bekannt.Eine wirklich schöne Idee und ausgezeichnete Umsetzung von dir.

5* Fav.

LG Stefan

maxcon62 wrote on 8/7/2011, 5:38 AM

I never get tired to listen to this track!

Now I'm adding it to my fav list!


thierrychoppin wrote on 8/7/2011, 10:52 AM

no doubt a great song amazing


there are not enough stars to rate your work

Picnicboy wrote on 8/7/2011, 11:45 AM

MoinMoin ers ma!

Die Stimme und Deine Komposition passen echt gut zusammen.

Mir gefällt abba die Instrumentwahl nich. Klingt wie ne 90iger-Yamaha-Orgel. Das is ma gar nich mein Ding! Schade, weil ich das Stück sonst sehr geil finde.

Is abba trotzdem ne absolut schöne Komposition!

Kriss trotzdem 5*


Schuenga wrote on 8/8/2011, 5:54 AM

wow mir gefällt es wirklich sehr gut und für meine Ohren ist es mir **** wert :-)


Former user wrote on 8/8/2011, 6:47 AM

WOW !!!!!!! what a beautiful song, couldn't do better, great job , I love It.




BIG 5 *****

Njego wrote on 8/8/2011, 8:15 AM

Beautiful Love Song  ! Bravo ! 

Voice of the Scorpions !!!

bgala wrote on 8/8/2011, 10:48 AM

very good, bravo! 5*****

UweB wrote on 8/8/2011, 5:29 PM

ein sehr schönes Stück Musik wie Stimme

Klasse Arbeit

Former user wrote on 8/9/2011, 5:16 AM

Good, mi sembra di avrela già commentata 

KryptXIX wrote on 8/9/2011, 9:27 AM

Excellent work!





tomsiedler1 wrote on 8/9/2011, 1:25 PM

this song is fantastic, but i don`t like meinl and the not my music, but this track in you work is amazing

Pyrex wrote on 8/9/2011, 1:33 PM

Good job, but not my taste, (siehe picnicboy/instrumentenwahl)

And I`m no friend of Klaus Meine`s voice,...


Spencer wrote on 8/9/2011, 3:21 PM

Excellente Arbeit.

Phantastischer Song!

Maury wrote on 8/9/2011, 5:25 PM

Good work boy!!   Good voice Klaus....very good!!!!

5***** + Fav                             Ciao da Maury.

Former user wrote on 8/10/2011, 8:06 AM

Ein Super-Werk!

Da ich auch Klaus Meine sehr mag, bekommt der Track 5*****!

Grüße von "TheHeirOlaf".......electric music

Former user wrote on 8/11/2011, 9:35 AM

Sorry Rana     for my late feedback !!

Nice musicwork from you ! Rana the realy professionel Artist !

Full house for you and greetings Freddy.