Past couple of weeks have been quite a challenge with the fight against Nicotine but so far so good.
This track is a new beggining for me as well. Whether its' a habit, a journey, breaking up from a relationship or even death, saying goodbye is always difficult but what needs to be done needs to be done. Each goodbye brings across newer avenues of experiences, learning, understanding and a higher level of maturity. The essence of inevitable change....... let's embrace it with a welcoming Hello....
Last, but I hope not least...
A warm and swinging "Goodbye" to an old lorry...
Great, but don´t forget those who can not stop their addiction...
Best wishes from me for the future...
Now I must have a Cigarett
Hi Rana...
I like the change from "technical" to "inspirational" in your comments... .
Love this song, My friend........especially the change at 2:16.
Former user
wrote on 10/3/2009, 1:24 AM
wise words of a very special artist - the change as a chance - your music gives me the relaxed moment to think about it - thank YOU!!!
Dear Rana,
this is a very interesting musical journey on which you take me as the listener. Melody and rhythm are going through different and surprising changes. A very "warm" composition who tells a lot about your inner world and your feelings. 2:16 is extraordinary good. An excellent work!
Friendly greetings
2:36 - 2:50... a famous and well known melody. But what is it..?
Former user
wrote on 10/4/2009, 8:55 AM
ein schönes Stück von dir, es bringt einen zum überlegen und nachdenken.
Rythmus und Melodie passen ausgezeichnet zu einander. Exzellente Arbeit kann man da sagen.
wenn du dich selber mal hören möchtest,dann mach dir die mühe, das es genug langweiliches oder noch langweiliches gibt ausser dir,ich wollt nicht drauf stolls sein.