
ZIGGI wrote on 5/30/2010, 7:45 AM
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Das ist mein neues Lied. Auch meinen ersten Song mit MM16.
Dies ist ein Lied über die Erstellung der meisten aus dem Leben, wir haben nur eine.

Alle Musik mit MIDI-und Tastatur gemacht, außer für Schlagzeug und die Gitarre solo.

Alle Gesang von mir.

Genießen Sie.

Hello friends,
This is my new song. Also my first song using MM16.
This is a song about making the most out of life, we only have one.

All music made with midi and keyboard, except for drums and the guitar solo.

All vocals from me.



Do we know what we have in store
Do we look behind every door
Taken chances, i'm sure we missed a few
Bold advances that changed the peoples view

Do we know what we want to be
Can we break from the monotony
Use the hunger you know you have inside
Never wonder, your judgement isn't blind

Find the man in you and get a grip on life
Take it by the hand, it's the law of the land
Find the courage in you and you'll enjoy your life
There's only one life ahead

Do we know what we have in store
Do we look behind every door
Taken chances, i'm sure we missed a few
Bold advances that changed the peoples view

Find the man in you and get a grip on life
Take it by the hand, it's the law of the land
Find the courage in you and you'll enjoy your life
There's only one life ahead

Find the man in you and get a grip on life
Take it by the hand, it's the law of the land
Find the courage in you and you'll enjoy your life
There's only one life ahead
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datamix wrote on 5/30/2010, 7:57 AM
Hello Ziggi, this song is beautiful, very well done, the voice is calm and relaxed h fits perfectly with the melody, add richness to my ears "
The lyric is very good, poetic and counselor
I congratulate you
siggi_s wrote on 5/30/2010, 8:42 AM
Hey Ziggi,

ganz große Klasse!

Gänsehautfeeling vom feinsten!

Super gesungen, Super Sound einfach echt nur Oberklasse!

G Siggi
Former user wrote on 5/30/2010, 8:50 AM
also deine stimme ist einfach nur hammer und der beat ist 1a gemacht passt alles hervoragend zusammen.5* respekt
Former user wrote on 5/30/2010, 9:00 AM
 Auch wenn ich normalerweise keinen Pop höre, das ist echt gut gemachter Pop-Rock. Von mir 5*, auch für die guten Lyrics.
Spartano wrote on 5/30/2010, 9:54 AM

Exzellente Musik, du bist eine Extra Klasse bei Magix, 5*+++
Herzlichen Gruß Spartano! 

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


jorual wrote on 5/30/2010, 10:01 AM
Hi Brian,

 As expected of you, have got another one of your works. I like the introduccion
of the acoustic guitar and I have always said your voice is exceptional.
Excellent work

Regards Jorual
emundem wrote on 5/30/2010, 10:25 AM
Hallo Brian, wie immer einfach wunderbare Musik von Dir und wie immer eine wunderbare Stimme.
Zum Träumen!

Viele Grüße
Former user wrote on 5/30/2010, 10:25 AM
 an excellent song
everything sounds very good
one of the best I have listened to lately

my wife is from London and when she was listening to the song she said:
                                                                         "I love that song"


Pyrex wrote on 5/30/2010, 1:18 PM
Completeley successful...5*
redisland wrote on 5/30/2010, 2:43 PM
hallo brian

das ist wieder ein wundervoller, schöner song


gruss dieter

Frantzi wrote on 5/30/2010, 5:40 PM

Excellent Song Brian, with your wonderfull voice and this thoughtfull lyrics...
Had to hear it for three times to hear and understand all the meanings...
Grand Solo at 2:08...
perhaps you are not only a grand Poet... I think you are a great musician too...

LEFTHANDER wrote on 5/31/2010, 1:59 AM
Hi Brian,

very good Song.......with many of the Best
Singer here in the Comm.
It,s nice to see that the U.K is back with a Top Song and a great Voice.

Best Regards and a nice Week

TommyG wrote on 5/31/2010, 3:28 AM
Great, sad ballad. And the melancholic colour of your voice fits again perfectly!

Thanks for this moody song.
skiron wrote on 5/31/2010, 4:51 AM
Very nice background-guitar but it sounds a little bit importunately for me, particularly the "Flange-Effect"(?). And maybe, you could change the background-guitar later (~ 3:20) into a synth (organ)(?).

But otherwise, just another top-production.
If you had go to Oslo, UK will had to be a hard Competition for germany
holie wrote on 5/31/2010, 5:56 AM
YES . . . courage is the key !

great text . . . great voice . . . great song !

warm greeting !
SYR.production wrote on 5/31/2010, 7:47 AM
Hallo Brian
Bist immer noch TOP in Form.
Deinen Song hast du sehr gut eingesungen und mein Eindruck zum musikalischen Beiwerk ... der ist ausgezeichnet, es passt alles Brian.
Na dann mach mal immer weiter so, könnte hier locker in die Charts Einzug halten, ist aber hier eine andere (leider) Geschichte.

Gruß Sylvio und 5* ohne schlechtes Gewissen.
X5er wrote on 5/31/2010, 11:09 AM
Very nice ballad! All parts harmonise common. Great arrangement, voice, mix and mastering! Excellent work!

Best Regards

masni wrote on 5/31/2010, 11:50 AM
Hallo Brian  , schoen  das du wieder da bist !! 
Habe schon gemeint ,dass auch du wie  viele andere gute  Musiker der Community  uns verlassen hast   ..
       Du bist fast nicht mehr zu erkennen .,. du bist ja   ein  Rocker,  oder irre ich mich   ??  
       Aber der  Schluss ist nach deinem Stil !!     BRAVO!!

Ciao   Carl  
Former user wrote on 5/31/2010, 12:29 PM
Hallo Brian, einfach klasse klasse klasse 5* +++

Herzlichen Gruß Beamish
MartinJr wrote on 5/31/2010, 1:39 PM
War mir gleich bei den ersten Tönen klar, daß jetzt ein Hit kommt - und es stimmte; Klasse Arbeit!
Danke Frantzi für's Weiterleiten.
smartsmurf wrote on 5/31/2010, 6:24 PM
A class of its own...

Great arrangement and your songs are always deep thought & great voice...
Nice you let the guitar out... t'wards the end.

M-A-B wrote on 6/1/2010, 11:33 AM
Ziggi, you are a fucking great artist!!! I love ur voice!!!! Very great song!!! Respect!!
StoneFace wrote on 6/1/2010, 3:12 PM
Art comes from the can.

Brian You're the artist.

Yet again you do manage to combine your voice with your music in warm and perfect harmony

ArtistW wrote on 6/1/2010, 5:20 PM

P.S. I love the phrase: "Taken chances, i'm sure we missed a few" (It is part of being human and not always sensible and strong.)