Love....The Old Fashioned Way.

Rana wrote on 1/28/2011, 10:35 PM

Hi Friends,

In continuation from my last track Plea! Thanks for the enormous support to BioRhythm, all in all 5,000 trees have been dedicated to friends, fans, family, acquaintances and Magix for the year 2011.



80s music holds very special meaning for me (I guess for almost every music lover around my age), I wanted to do a Pop song with the feel of that great era by doing my own lyrics and needed a singer, for that reason I purchased Yamaha Vocaloid Prima through Zero G technologies…..which was kind of beginning of a nightmare for me….after endless PC crashes Mr. Dom Koffe from Zero G technologies informed me that it is not going to work with a 64 bit system. Cutting the long story short… I won’t recommend any Yamaha product ever to anyone as I am sitting with a software which has given me nothing but headaches and a Yamaha Keyboard (PSR S 900) with a burnt out LCD display.

Coming back to the topic… composition was ready but I had a PC full of bugs and whatever little time I did manage to squeeze out of my hectic routines got spent towards fixing the PC issues (at times I feel I have become a better hardware & software technician rather than a good composer). Going through my sample collections I found appropriate lyrics and vocals from MMM 15 soundpools for the composition.

Here is a special present for the month of love… in an old fashioned way, if we speak of today many would sing that “my love will always be true…till I am with you”.

Love to me is the binding and bonding force that keeps the Universe going, accordingly the song finds its place under the cause BioRhythm which happens to be the CD title that I am currently working on. There has been plenty said, written, drawn, acted and sung for this powerful emotion. Everything has been declared of being fair in love, so next time when you get a traffic fine, tell the inspector that you were under the influence of love.

For the Tech Savvy…

Progression is in G major, BPM 120, Host FL Studio 9.8 Beta. Sample rate 48,000 - 24 bit with 320 kbps mp3 export.


Synths – Sytrus - two instances (or Channels), Absynth 4 - one instance, Albino 3 – three channels, Predator – three instances, Melda Large Drummer – one instance, Two channels for modulation, one for Vocodex, second through Midi Out for Pitcher and Antares Auto Tune, 17 channels of vocal samples and five channels for automation / mastering envelopes.

Effects used in the mixer tracks are Limiter - four instances, , MDE-X – four instances for varying level of reverb, Stereo Shapper – two instances, Fruity Reverb, Fruity Delay, Mda dynamics, New Tone, Parametric EQ 2, Equalizer, Pitcher, Antares Auto Tune, and compressor – one instance each. 16 tracks have been side chained (for vocals interlacing).


It's just one singer in the song - trust me on that!!!

Rise in LOVE always & enjoy it forever....…


nihon94 wrote on 1/29/2011, 12:03 AM

Nice cover design.

Best Expression of thoughts specially about Yamaha


I read what you have written and thinking how did you learn

all this mixing, using different equipments.

Is it possible you can explain some main equipments/software

and how to use them to polish music compose on computer(no live recording)?

I knew you are busy guy if you can do that I will appreciate.


And finally your song and music is great. I too got this Soundpool 15 too and noticed

you nicely worked on vocals. I like it very much.


Thank you for sharing.

5 S


kokashn wrote on 1/29/2011, 12:46 AM

interesting reading about the issues you've been through...:)


nice, smooth tune....well done Rana!!!


Former user wrote on 1/29/2011, 1:04 AM

Excellent Song.

Thanks for this

johannesoctron wrote on 1/29/2011, 3:00 AM

Hallo und vom Aufwand ein großes Stück Arbeit.

Doch einiges fällt auf. Sicher ist es nur ein Sänger, da ist viel Delay und Reverb Arbeit drin. Nur warum auch noch ein Flanger? Erinnert an japanischen Pop. Geschmacksache sicher. Nur was am der Sytrus schon im ersten Teil fängt das an, der läuft komplett gegen die Melodie und Rythmus. Zudem quitsch er und macht damit die Stimmung der Voice zunichte. Ein Albino ist Klasse und geht immer für Trance und Pop beim Sytrus ist es hingegen nicht so einfach. Bei dem nehm ich meistens den Acid3.

Für das Grundthema und den Gesang gibt es volle Punktzahl, für die "störenden" Geräusche leider Abzug in der B-Note.

Sascha_S wrote on 1/29/2011, 3:18 AM

Hi Rana!

Danke,dass Du mir noch mal einen Song geschickt hast!

Die Musik und der Gesang gefällt mir sehr gut,macht sehr viel Spaß und Freude anzuhören


Meinem Vorgänger gebe ich Recht....die Synthmelo,die ab und zu auftaucht, passt auch für mein Gehör von der Tonlage nicht  sehr gut hinein....


Es ist aber eine sehr gute Arbeit und ein aufmunternder Song!




Former user wrote on 1/29/2011, 3:24 AM

True, you've created here, good pop music of the 80s. Beyond your technical problems, you still have succeeded a small feat. By cons, it is true that the voices provided by Magix, are used so often, they are not attractive, for use, even if we torture them to get new sounds, they become tiresome ....

Former user wrote on 1/29/2011, 3:26 AM

hi rana!


was mir gut gefällt ist fast ganze Stück

doch ein paar Stelle man kann noch minimal besser machen.

paar Stellen, was nicht so ganz 100 pro passt


aber zusammen alles genommen ist wieder große Klasse!


greetz T

Spartano wrote on 1/29/2011, 4:11 AM

Musik zu machen wie du sie machst ist mit Viel Gefühl und Liebe gemacht,

Jede Einzelne Punkt in deine Musik ist zu Erklären, die 80 Jahre waren auch meine Schönste Jahre,

Die Erinnerung durch deine Klasse Musik machen mich Glücklich

Ich Wünsche dir und deine Familie einen Sehr schönen Sonntag ,

Es Grüßt dich dein Musikfreund Joachim!

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


datamix wrote on 1/29/2011, 4:50 AM

hello, Rana;  I admire your persistence in this job for bringing a very positive song like this, good job and despite the technical difficulties you mention, do successfully captured your idea,

that's talent-
greetings from heart

Former user wrote on 1/29/2011, 6:02 AM

Find's doch gar nicht so schlecht -:Hast soviel dafür benutzt -:Schönes Stück!



jorual wrote on 1/29/2011, 6:08 AM

Hallo Rana,


Very good Popmusic, Pleasant to hear.



Former user wrote on 1/29/2011, 6:16 AM

hi Mahmood


excellent 80´s song



Former user wrote on 1/29/2011, 7:52 AM

yes my dear friend,

I have made it extra loud so my friend can hear it too. and realized that you forgot somehow the bass. anson most this is a very beautiful song.

I wish to you and your family a nice weekend and send greetings.


sTeinheilig wrote on 1/29/2011, 8:47 AM

Hi Rana,
again a very nice song from you, the synth is a little inconsistent for my ears.
But this is total package. Good work from you



كثير من التحيات وعطلة نهاية الاسبوع لطيف


Meine Geschichte : Jung Pionier -Thälmann Pionier - FDJ ler - Popper -Rocker- Punker - Grufti

Ich bin seit einigen Jahren , Anhänger der "schwarzen Szene". Ich bin fasziniert von den Leuten , die von vielen noch argwöhnisch begutachtet werden . 

In dieser Gemeinschaft  fühl ich mich wohl , ich möchte sagen ....Sauwohl ! Da gibt es keinen Neid , keine dummen Sprüche , keine Anmache ....Eine Welt für sich

Musikalisch zieht es mich  zur  NDH(neue deutsche Härte) , Metal , Rock und Punk 

Ich bin hier um mich auszutauschen , meine Musik vorzustellen , andere Musik zu hören !

Wenn ich keinen Link bekomme , bewerte ich keine Videos und keine Fotos ,da kenn ich mich wirklich nicht aus .

Ich behandle alle User mit Respekt , und ich erwarte das auch von Euch !

Das hier ist für mich reine Freizeit ....ich bin weder Musikprofessor noch Toningenieur.....Ergo..... werde ich hier nich mit Fachausdrücken um mich werfen....wenn mir ein Song gefällt ...schreib ich das auch so hin


VG Ralf


Former user wrote on 1/29/2011, 9:39 AM

Ciao, swet friend

I've listened your song and in a flash I'm returned to the years 80/90 to the pop/dance sound... I love that period and that because I'm happy about your choise ... great music work .. but you as me ... we need a vocalist ..  My dear Rana I am happy to your friendship and I am happy to have seen your stupendous family on facebook .. and I wish all love for your family and you .. your children have a great father and your wife an excellent husband .. and I a big friend..



masni wrote on 1/29/2011, 11:39 AM

Hi Rana !  Very  nice song  !   Carl 

smartsmurf wrote on 1/29/2011, 2:45 PM

Despite all the work and technical difficulties you had with this song... my ears... many things don't seem to fit here.


Since I am not a musical expert... I can't point it out in detail... it just doesn't feel right...


Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 1/29/2011, 3:50 PM

F A N T A S T I C !!!!!!! ciao da sandro

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Raymanix wrote on 1/30/2011, 4:06 AM


I love it.


DJ.T.Nosa wrote on 1/30/2011, 4:36 AM

Hi Rana, very very nice song :)....perfect job.

thank you for sharing.


greetings DJ.T.Nosa

hajo54 wrote on 1/30/2011, 6:02 AM

uuuuuu....haaaaa...oaoaoaoa....ein echt starker Song:-)vg***hajo****

holie wrote on 1/30/2011, 6:08 AM

under the influence of love . . . but, be careful, may be the inspector want to have a kiss . . .


Rana, dear friend, it sounds like a very happy und 'light' songs . . . isn't it great . . . you express

your 'inner world' . . . and I'm grateful that you allowed me to call myself  >  your friend.

With deepest affection !  Karin

B59fly wrote on 1/30/2011, 8:17 AM

Nette SchnulziMusik, aber nichts weltbewegendes ....... ausser die Quertöne, die mischen das Stück ordentlich auf.