Maybe They Are Really Unwell (Track 06 - I AM ALTERED ALBUM - GalaeGala & Nickillus)

Nickillus wrote on 4/16/2016, 7:34 AM

I AM ALTERED - is a double album, a first collaboration between GalaeGala and Nickillus.  It tackles the issue of mental health.

We wanted to tell in music, the thin line that divides the being of sound mind and not being.
A musician now bereft of compositional ideas, turns in on himself and slips into alcohol and drug use.  Over time he becomes ill with schizophrenia, but a psychologist, a fan of his work, is determined to lead him back to health.
It takes a long time, but with intensive treatment, he finally does it.
The most rewarding thing for both protagonists is the return of a burning desire in the musician to make music again.

Track 06 deals with the denial that strange behaviour demonstrated by fellow patients in the hospital, are relatable to subject's own conduct and thinking.


GalaeGala - Korg 01 wfd - VSTI Korg Workstation - Korg Fm7 - 8
Alchemy - Electra x Tone- Tone Gladiator - DN-e1 Magix

Nickillus - Magix - Piano One, Upright Bass, Analog Synth, Revolta 2, DN-e1, Space Pad, Beatbox, LoopMaker
Other - Iris 2, Curve 2.5, Alchemy (Dream Voices), VoicePlex, Revitar 2.01, DSK Dynamic Guitar, EZ Poly, Addictive Drums 2

My sincere thanks go out to Galaegala for affording me the opportunity to collaborate with such a stalwart of the community here.  He is a delight to work with.  His own gorgeous, ambient sounds and my own less refined offerings provided him plenty of challenges in this collaboration.  I hope you'll agree he has done a wonderful job - as usual.


NorbertSN wrote on 4/16/2016, 8:53 AM

Wow...I feel....ill...

What a track. You two have created an outstanding musical story, one at which the music is as interesting as the story itself.

The development of the characters can be easily depicted in my (also distorted?) mind.

Love it. Great experimental music which embeds the story with wonderful musical tools into something that stands out for itself.

Full stars - great effort, you two!

Best regards, Norbert

Former user wrote on 4/16/2016, 9:18 AM

Hi Nick & Franco:

Well, you two "collaborators" have done it again.  Bringing into focus (through the excellent use of these musical tools) the debilitating and life-altering affects of this universal problem.   Sadly, a problem that is, more often than not, ignored and given shameful status by the larger society.  It is certainly not an easy feat to set to music the painful and agonizing reality of those unfortunate souls that suffer from this affliction.  However, if one just simply leans back and listens intently with an "inner-ear", a distinct unveiling of the story that you gentlemen are telling becomes quite clear.

This taboo subject should be in our day-to-day discussions.  Congratulations on pulling back the covers on this topic.

Wonderful example of work inspired by true concern.


horst-d wrote on 4/16/2016, 9:32 AM

I'm bipolar and that's ok

regards Horst

the-men-behind-the-curtain wrote on 4/16/2016, 1:49 PM


nice work but i think the mastering could be better and it's too long in my opinion. four stars

Former user wrote on 4/17/2016, 4:55 AM

I am part of the project, why not deliberately release any opinion on the part of the music. Instead what I would like to all the friends of the comunity and as I know and NIck (I am Italian, and he English) we were able to do a work so impressive at a great distance, without knowing us and with very different musical ideas.
Well the love for music and the desire of both to want to do something new and interesting guided us, and the constant email contact with and to exchange ideas and opinions did the rest.
The result is that if you want to do something, there is nothing that can stop the human mind


Jinty wrote on 4/17/2016, 5:34 AM

Hello Nickillus and Franco,

Wonderful track and great collaboration!!!!!!!

All the best,


Former user wrote on 4/17/2016, 5:56 AM

Well done, I really like,super work.


Former user wrote on 4/17/2016, 6:05 AM

Hi Nick // Franco

Dramatic ... mysterious .  Super

Very well done 

Best regards Robert

Former user wrote on 4/17/2016, 7:59 AM

in this musical theme spaces are well used, has a good development, does not feel sudden the interaction of the two styles, the intro of strings seems appropriate, happens all as a progressive scale, there is a similarity between the times of both styles that allows the last part appears in unity with the first and middle, I really liked the final development, which seems a summary of everything that previously had touched independently very good collaboration as is usually seen

Former user wrote on 4/18/2016, 4:23 AM

great performance compositional, wonderfull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Former user wrote on 4/18/2016, 4:49 AM

Good Sound!!!

Perfomence... great!!!

Like it

tgfmusica wrote on 4/18/2016, 10:54 AM

Bella traccia con suoni che esprimono perfettamente lo stato mentale che descrivono, saluti da tgfmusica, Gianfranco, ciao

Maboe wrote on 4/18/2016, 4:24 PM

As usual it is a very impressing work, full of mysterious sounds. The music hits your topic without doubt. 

Congratulations you two!


Former user wrote on 4/18/2016, 7:32 PM

hallo franco and nick cheers,

violine eigenartig wunderschön,bass und violine zusammen schräg =cool vocals senstionell,der übergang 3.09 ist mit den vocals speziell wunderschön,guitare einzigartig schön,schöne akkorde,2 GENIES,so spielen zu können ist franco und nick wie auch griff dade meisterhaft,und da wären wir bei 4 genies,7.02 es geht leider schon dem ende zu sehr spnned gemacht der schluss mit den möven sensationell wieder


pece franco and nick cheere  7 STERNE VON LUCA E PAOLO TANI

Pat_02 wrote on 4/19/2016, 5:03 AM

Bonjour mon ami Nick,

Merci pour l'invitation,

Ne le prenez pas mal mes amis Nick et Franco, mais quand je commence à écouter votre musique qui est toujours super et très originale et les sons utilisés et travaillés tout autant, j'ai l'impression de déjà entendu malheureusement, dès les premières secondes d'écoute.

j'ai une très bonne mémoire auditive, malheureusement pour vous,

Je vais être franc comme je le suis toujours, l'intro ne me plait pas du tout, car pour moi, c'est du déjà entendu dans des musiques faisant parties du même album, je vous l'ai déjà fait remarqué récemment, c'est le danger de faire de la musique purement expérimentale.

En plus, les violons entendu au début, sont beaucoups trop "criards" et me percent les oreilles, çà, c'est à corriger je pense, ensuite j'entends des sons et des riffs déjà utilisés.

Par contre très très bonne nouvelle  : à partir de : 2 minutes 55 secondes et encore plus, un peu plus loin, j'adore ! 

et  je retrouve le sourire ,

c'est beaucoup plus agréable à écouter, les choeurs aux voix transformées, cette jolie mélodie à la guitare au son transformé, très très joli aussi, on à l'impression d'entendre un son de "Clavecin" par moment

que j'adore, franchement , ce que je considère comme une 2e partie de votre musique, est vraiment géniale, avec ensuite le synthé qui monte qui monte et d'autres petites mélodies tout aussi agréables qui viennent nous enchanter, nous bercer et nous font rêver et toujours avec ces jolis sons recherchés et travaillés.

j'aime aussi la piste de synthé "arpégé" et à la fin, on retrouve,  mais cette fois ci de façon très courte, ce son de "sonar" sûrement juste pour nous rappeler que cette musique est la suite d'autres faisant partie de cet album et pour nous remettre dans l'atmosphère générale que dégage ce superbe album.

Bravo mes amis, à part ces remarques pour le tout début, le reste est génial, mes félicitations à vous deux,

5 étoiles et beaucoup plus * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ... et dans mes favoris, il en va de soit.

A bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures, moi aussi j'ai beaucoup de travail qui m'attend, et là, j'ai fait une petite pause, pour me reposer l'esprit, en écoutant quand même des compos des mes amis, mais je vais reprendre mes compositions. 



Farstom wrote on 4/19/2016, 9:43 AM

well done

i like it

Last changed by Farstom on 4/19/2016, 9:43 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something



ZIGGI wrote on 4/23/2016, 4:33 PM

Hi Team,

This is a very good collaboration. Very original in its approach.

The choice of instruments is very good and enhances the mood.

It kept my interest all the way to the end.

A difficult subject matter, which is close to my heart.


kind regards



Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 4/23/2016, 7:09 PM

i pazzi sono veramente umani --!!!!!!

Last changed by Sandro_Glavina_Channel on 4/23/2016, 7:09 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Former user wrote on 4/25/2016, 12:05 PM

Esto sono muy bien,parece en su comienzo un caentamiento de instrumentos en un concierto de musica de camara,pero no es musica de camara,es magnifico sonido y estructura,muy apreciado trabajo en mis oidos,,,Encantado de escuchar.Un saludo.

diegoweb13 wrote on 4/27/2016, 4:40 PM

Beautiful track.


Hello Diego

Last changed by diegoweb13 on 4/27/2016, 4:40 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

                                     Se la risposta e' stata utile, cliccare su Grazie qui sotto.

info4u2 wrote on 5/3/2016, 8:24 PM

Very difficulty subject to deal with - very good effort - Humans experience reality (in my opion) as a virtual contruct of the real thing, so to experience this virtual construct under the influence thereby making reality a distortation of a virtual construct, is mind and emotionally unstabling.

Very good effort.


MarkWell wrote on 5/5/2016, 1:51 AM

ottime sonorità per un Album di successo




Picnicboy wrote on 5/31/2016, 2:53 PM


Interisting Track with very nice Sounds.

Was an interisting Journey.


djroar wrote on 7/4/2016, 11:57 AM


Experimental music, with good sound, reat work my friends 


Last changed by djroar on 7/4/2016, 11:57 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Music has always been part of my life. I started making music as a hobby for a couple of years ago. I work in an aluminum production plant, hard work but I'm not complaining.

Cheers Music friends :-)