Hi RANA..........absolutely brilliant..but soo sad, or do i have a bad day ???? great Piano and also soft strings.. 5 ***** is not enough
your friend Tom
Former user
wrote on 3/29/2010, 7:22 AM
Wow Rana ... This is a very beautiful sad song! I find it very inspiring, thank you!
Being a man,I would have to empathize with a woman who has experienced this trauma. However,there is a positive. If a child were born with extreme dissabilities or chronic pain then death at this stage could almost be viewed as a blessing.
The tenor sax is very nice. And the piano is excellent.
heyy!! This is a great, calm, touching song!! I like it, although I prefer music with more joy and rythm. But, still, I appreciate this! Very good transitions too!
Former user
wrote on 4/3/2010, 3:06 PM
RAINY NIGHT IN NYC....THATS WHUTT I´M FEELIN....5*****...itz deep!!!
tausendmal gehört nichts passiert,ist diese menschheit so wie du,wenn du dieses fuck programm nicht hättest,wärst du so am arsch wie in der schule blockflöte im musikuntericht alle meine entchen zublasen,sei wie ich stolz auf dich,platz eins zu sein.wo kann ich dieses stück kaufen.würdest du es kaufen,ich unterstütze dich mit sterne das du platz vor nr uno zu bleiben.grüzzle
Verry touchblle for me ,my litlle sister what i never so it and ...never was like how must be ...to hold her in my arms ,to learn her what love is,to read storyes when she need ,to keep my smile becouse i have a reasons...my litlle angel without name...
warum singst du deine lange Gebrauchtsanleitung nicht.passt es nicht zu deiner art von nichts sagende tonfrequezen.oder schrieb eine betriebsanleitung für töne die keiner ausser dir hört,do you realy want to heart my,
Former user
wrote on 4/5/2010, 3:47 AM
ich staune,solche Ouoten sind märchenhaft und da ist es wohl angebracht,wenn man aus Einsicht in das eigene Unvermögen schleunigst abmustert