Nephilim's Gift

HeavensSpear wrote on 4/11/2010, 1:20 AM

Another humble creation from a dream that I had.Inspired as all things are by my beloved.It's a hell of a feeling to belong to a Goddess.
This song is about humility...
About knowing that the person that you love is God's gift to you...and you aren't God's gift to her...unless She deems that you are.
In the Christian Bible..Nephilim were Angels who fell in love/or attraction with Human females...but were forbidden to have relations with them. Those who did were considered fallen...I know that I would defy any being for the love of my true...So, this terrible song is an attempt to get you to picture it..

The day that I fell to earth
Was the day that I fell for you
I said..No Im not an Angel
...and no my eyes arent blue
But if, I promise to kiss your soul
...and if I did
Tell me would that make you whole.

I saw you there and ,therefore loved you

Fell to earth, that day
and I was not God's gift
No, Im not your saviour
...I am much darker than him

so if..
I promise my love this night
...and if I did
would you offer me your life

Dont say that you love me
Unless you me
Never tell me that you love me
unless you know what that means
God's gift, is that he brought you into my life
See, You're my gift...and you'll always be mine

by HeavensSpear Kittrell


Former user wrote on 4/11/2010, 2:39 AM
The song I really like, but I lack the clearly defined bass.

Regards, Werner
Spartano wrote on 4/11/2010, 3:16 AM
Wundervolle Rockmusik!, Exzellent 5* Herzlichen Gruß dein Musikfreund Spartano!

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


StoneFace wrote on 4/11/2010, 3:23 AM
Yes, yes, the women - even if they are angels sometimes.

Sometimes it also comes from the horns grow them over time and they mutate into small devil inside

very good sound and song

nice days
LEFTHANDER wrote on 4/11/2010, 4:30 AM
That is cool playing and singing. The Guitarsolo is also o.k.
Top Song and cool Voice.

holie wrote on 4/11/2010, 5:01 AM

very good text. . . much truth. . . !

Exceptional song. . . I like that,

I though of the Nephilim / Annunaki I have 'other' information too. . .
For example: Zesarian Sitchin / William Bramley> The Gods of Eden. . .

very very good!

Warm regards

Former user wrote on 4/11/2010, 9:50 AM
SentientAudio wrote on 4/11/2010, 7:38 PM
mein Freund, wie ich liebe dieses Lied! Ihre Stimme ist sehr einzigartig und gut. Ich denke, besonders für Metal-Musik. Dies ist einer der besten Songs, die ich hier so far.Keep die gute Arbeit gehört. Wenn Sie machte diesen Song Jahren dann kippe ich zu hören, warten neue
Jede neue Bestellung?
Kabegami wrote on 4/11/2010, 7:53 PM

I am amazed standing.I like singer words

Soundschill wrote on 4/12/2010, 9:50 AM
It`s very, very cool and a fantastic voice!
ALBIrecords wrote on 4/12/2010, 3:19 PM
thanks for your gift (of german is gift, poisen)but thanks!!!
your music is wonderful*****+.
have a nice day, the albi
binobino wrote on 4/12/2010, 3:36 PM
beautiful creation !!!

smartsmurf wrote on 4/12/2010, 4:10 PM
Your Mastering is getting better and better...

Exceptionell voice and I especially noticed your stereo-field (???) in the drum section. But of course I am not an expert in Rock music... there you have to consult other users here... the stop at 6:40 is a little sudden (it seems that you turned down all tracks at once... maybe here you should use something to lead over into that scary section. and right after it I do hear overmodulation and "smashiness" in the mix. the ending is too strange and somehow not connected to the rest of your song...

I like your concept for this song...

Believe me... I'm never bored...
clausaxelsen wrote on 4/12/2010, 6:41 PM

Thanks for very fine music. I like it.
But take a brake and retune and take care of your sound.
Sorry, verry very good, but think if you want it on
4 1/2 stars for you and do it finish.

SpriteBat wrote on 4/12/2010, 8:22 PM
Great work again! It's very deep, and fascinating that it was inspired by a dream. Keep it up!
papajeff wrote on 4/12/2010, 9:54 PM
Hi, is a good rockballad! I love your expressive voice and the powerchords of the guitar.
I think in the intro you have used Magix-samples but they sounds very well to initiate.
I mean that you also can sing with your voice even a little higher, which would surely harmonize well, and makes it even more exciting!
Mastering ist ok.
LG Jeff

Former user wrote on 4/13/2010, 3:14 AM
Yes, its a realy nice work from you ! I like your singing and the smooth rockstyle !

have a nice day  and many greetings Freddy
Former user wrote on 4/13/2010, 3:37 AM
Ciao, ho ascoltato con attenzione la tua traccia, l'idea è buona. Ci sono alcune imprecisioni da correggere, esempio : introduzione troppo lunga, il missaggio migliorabile. Comunque complimenti la tua canzone mi piace molto, anche la tua voce è interessante
Frantzi wrote on 4/13/2010, 8:15 AM
Quite good work...
exept the hard interruption at 6:42...
Your voice sounds a little bit to dull...
Kevin_Hagemeier wrote on 4/14/2010, 11:10 AM
This song is great...!
I like it !

best regards,

Das Leben ist wie die Musik… Immer eine neue Entdeckung!

Musik war eine der ersten Sprachen dieser Welt. Ich mag diese Erkenntnis. Meine Inspiration zur Musik begann im Jahr 1997. Ich war 12 Jahre alt als ich für mich die Musikproduktion mit Musik Samples entdeckte. Ich war außerdem Sänger in einer Band und spielte mit 15 Jahren ein klein wenig Gitarre.
Meine Songs sowie Alben sind meistens aus verschiedenen Musikrichtungen vermischt die aber immer meinen eigenen Musikalischen Style wiedergeben.
Alle meine Lieder wurden von mir mit Samples produziert. Ich hoffe Ihnen gefällt meine Musik.
Viel Spaß beim hören und downloaden!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Kevin Hagemeier

siggi_s wrote on 4/14/2010, 2:46 PM

G Siggi
ZIGGI wrote on 4/14/2010, 3:11 PM
Don't be so hard on yourself, it's a good song.
Being a rock fan myself I like your style.
You have a great voice which needs to be heard clearly in front of the music. A few small changes to your mastering would help. If you wind the guitars down just a bit it would stop the distortion that occurs sometimes, and also it will bring your voice more forwards. Small changes can make a big difference.
Keep it up my friend, you have talent.

Former user wrote on 4/14/2010, 6:24 PM
Hello heavensspear,

The music is super the story behind it is wonderfull
Great production, my English is not very good
but I understand I think what the message is
Thanks for sharing, different kind of experience...

Five stars Greetz Carlo 
Rana wrote on 4/15/2010, 5:39 AM

Zaheeda is truly blessed to have you in her life. I find only a very few around these days who are thankful on what they have and don't worry or compalint about what they don't.

On the track, beautiful arpegios in the intro, the idea behind, cover, music flow everything is great, I just wish that your vocals come a bit to the awesome rock ballad my friend and earns all my respect and place in the Favs..

ArtistW wrote on 4/15/2010, 5:57 AM
Love it Good voice, good work may be now and then a cry (if you can) would give it real hit potential. Intro is a little bit long (the whole song is a bit long). but 5*