Richard Somers - Longing For...


holie wrote on 10/26/2009, 3:40 PM
You reach my soul!
It is not only your play . . . it is the it is your gentle honest kind, dear Richard.
Wonderful !

Karin *****
Rana wrote on 10/31/2009, 12:27 PM
I guess you are too modest here, one can see the amount of hard work and effort that has gone into this track. Wonderful.
StoneFace wrote on 11/20/2009, 11:23 AM

Strong song. I like this kind of music. I like it very well.

Kessy666 wrote on 11/22/2009, 7:56 AM
Great Song, i love your guitarplay
5 Points from Germany my friend
Gruß Keßy
Soulbridge wrote on 12/16/2009, 7:37 AM
Hi Richard,
now I didn´t only hear this song, but all of your songs.
It´s very impressive to me to hear your handmade music on difference instruments, allways played with feeling and good playing technic.
If we would´nt live so far away in difference countrys and I would need somebody for a new music-project, i would be glad to be with you in one team to play live.

So I will give you my respect and 5* to all songs I could find from you at this moment.
