
carpter1958 wrote on 12/2/2009, 5:58 PM
I'd like to thank Magix for not only thier products but the oportunity to learn from the real Professionals it means alot to me and gives me hope. God bless

This isn't as much an answer but a coment and offer.
 I am disabled and have a terminal illness and I am stuck at home. I was more or less forced into the photo restoration and my pathetic attempts at artwork, with the hopes to keep my sanity and the love of photography, even though I was a master carpenter and home builder for 29 years.
 I have many that I downloaded free from the internet programs and ones that people bought for me to help me out that I use as well as Magix  as my primary programsss which I love. I have restored thousands of damaged photos using them or just really bad photos for storm victims,fire and water damage and even torn up"ex wives and husbands wedding photos" as a hobby. I've even removed the EX hubby or wife from wedding or family photos. I have never charged for my work because the responses I get are my reward. I even do memorials to lost love ones and create video slide shows for them.
  That said if I would gladly offer my help and advice to anyone that might need help, If it isn't a violation of Magix rules or ethics. I just would like to offer my insite for what its worth.   Scott Stallings

P.S. I'd like to add a sample of my work here but don't know how. I am unfortunately on a meager income and cant afford the really good Magix program I hold out hope Santa hears me.   ( I am not begging just wishing)
horsethunder wrote on 11/12/2014, 8:44 PM


Sounds like your restoration work not only brings the recipient happiness (who doesn't need more of that?), it also brings back to life photos thought unusable.  It puts a smile to my face to hear of other people willing to do things for free because of the reward of helping others.  Your work and wisdom is noble and should inspire others.

I too am in the building industry, an interior designer by degree but I also design, estimate and project manage construction crews to restore old houses.  Although there is a certain charm to run down old buildings, I find my obsession to restore them a curse and a gift, if that's possible.  Please don't take me too seriously with that comment, I love what I do. 

I'm happy to hear you are continuing your gift for creativity, that you are no longer able to use in carpentry due to your illness.  Creativity is something no one can take away and you should be proud to be able to share it with others. 

Thank you on behalf of everyone that you have helped past, present and future. 

Fight on warrior!  Much luck to you in kicking this illness.




SylviaAnn wrote on 1/14/2021, 4:05 PM
I'd like to thank Magix for not only thier products but the oportunity to learn from the real Professionals it means alot to me and gives me hope. God bless

This isn't as much an answer but a coment and offer.
 I am disabled and have a terminal illness and I am stuck at home. I was more or less forced into the photo restoration and my pathetic attempts at artwork, with the hopes to keep my sanity and the love of photography, even though I was a master carpenter and home builder for 29 years.
 I have many that I downloaded free from the internet programs and ones that people bought for me to help me out that I use as well as Magix  as my primary programsss which I love. I have restored thousands of damaged photos using them or just really bad photos for storm victims,fire and water damage and even torn up"ex wives and husbands wedding photos" as a hobby. I've even removed the EX hubby or wife from wedding or family photos. I have never charged for my work because the responses I get are my reward. I even do memorials to lost love ones and create video slide shows for them.
  That said if I would gladly offer my help and advice to anyone that might need help, If it isn't a violation of Magix rules or ethics. I just would like to offer my insite for what its worth.   Scott Stallings

P.S. I'd like to add a sample of my work here but don't know how. I am unfortunately on a meager income and cant afford the really good Magix program I hold out hope Santa hears me.   ( I am not begging just wishing)