ACID Pro 10 - public beta for update-patch is available (


Djronrella wrote on 6/13/2020, 8:52 AM

@Matt-Francis​​​​​ I drag and hold loop from browser and drop it into the exact spot I want in New track!

Thanks, I never thought of that. I think it's something Magix added that wasn't there in AP7. I kind of just shrugged it off but recently it was annoying me.

It's been there I believe since acid 1 versions!

That's the only way I've always draged a loop!!!


DjayCas wrote on 6/16/2020, 12:45 AM

@Matt-Francis​​​​​ I drag and hold loop from browser and drop it into the exact spot I want in New track!

Thanks, I never thought of that. I think it's something Magix added that wasn't there in AP7. I kind of just shrugged it off but recently it was annoying me.

It's been there I believe since acid 1 versions!

That's the only way I've always draged a loop!!!


What Matt-Francis is saying, this part where it adds your loop to the beginning of the track automatically is new.
I'd also like to have them disable that feature.

sheppo wrote on 6/25/2020, 6:11 AM

the adding things at the start of the timeline is an issue that crops up all over the place. for example, rendering a selection to a new track adds the rendered wav file to the start of the timeline on a new track, not to the place selected on the timeline. Small thing, but considering this is Acid's way to bounce down a part of the project it really needs to work properly.

That said, dragging content straight in to the project does work really well for new content. For example, LoopCloud, or Steinberg's Backbone work really great in this respect.

EDO wrote on 6/29/2020, 10:39 AM

So i recently purchased acid pro 10 and downloaded it does the sidechaining feature work straight away or do I need to download the beta ???

Joseph-Webb wrote on 6/29/2020, 5:17 PM

For some crazy reason, I still can't get my AP10 to use my mp3 format of music. No matter what I've done to fix this problem, it still doesn't work. Can Someone please help me out with this. I'm really beginning to give up on Acid Pro. I have projects to complete and now that I upgraded to 10 my 9 is doing the same. I uninstalled the 9, hoping this would change something, but it didn't.




jocker-boy wrote on 6/30/2020, 12:55 AM

For me, sidechain does not work better after adding it for Kick channel,from the plug-in tray and and switching to another channel, after returning the sidechain plugin is no longer there ... disappears.

side1 wrote on 7/5/2020, 5:48 AM

I'm also having a problem with sidechain sender not appearing at all. Is there any plan to introduce freq as a trigger for sidechaining (e.g. instead of separate kick channel as a trigger, certain freq could trigger it)?

On top of all that, I can't render tracks anymore (silent tracks as a result of render) and AP10 crashes afterwards with this message.

Version 10.0.2 (Build 20) 64-bit
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0x0000000000000000 IP:0x00007FFADF657BD3
In Module 'iZNeutron3.dll' at Address 0x00007FFADEC70000 + 0x00000000009E7BD3
Thread: TrackRender ID=0x49F0 Stack=

sheppo wrote on 7/7/2020, 6:24 AM

@jocker-boy - on the compressor, which is where I assume you want to use side-chaining, you have the side-chain option set to int (internal), not ext (external). I also cannot see if you have selected the kick track to to be the input on that compressed track, but i believe the side-chain sender plugin is removed if it is not sending audio to any track. Make sure you have the input audio selected on the efx compressor correctly.

One way to check the input source is to hit the speaker icon on the compressor. If you get no sound then no sound is being routed in to the compressor. :-)

@side1 - In the instance of using efx compressor (as per jocker-boy's video above) there is filter on the input sound as it comes in to the compressor. It's also possible to use the side-chain sender to filter the audio before it is sent to compressor. This gives quite a lot of flexibility.

You have a separate thread about what appears to be an issue with iZotope Neutron3.


jocker-boy wrote on 7/12/2020, 12:37 PM

@jocker-boy - on the compressor, which is where I assume you want to use side-chaining, you have the side-chain option set to int (internal), not ext (external). I also cannot see if you have selected the kick track to to be the input on that compressed track, but i believe the side-chain sender plugin is removed if it is not sending audio to any track. Make sure you have the input audio selected on the efx compressor correctly.

One way to check the input source is to hit the speaker icon on the compressor. If you get no sound then no sound is being routed in to the compressor. :-)

Thank you for your answer on my question in this problem with sidechain option in AP10.

Thank you for your answer on my question in this problem with sidechain option in AP10.I must in next time try this solution which here does it work for me or not.

sheppo wrote on 7/16/2020, 6:28 AM

@Torsten - minor bug reported when calculating free space available for the temporary folder at application startup. If there's too much space in the temporary folder AP10 complains there's not enough

Seems the actual preferences->folder dialog box calculates the free space correctly though, but the popup each time the application is started is an annoyance.

Doug-Griffin wrote on 7/27/2020, 3:55 PM

Problem downloading "ACID Pro 10 - public beta for update-patch is available ("

July 27, 2020

I can't get the download - here's what I tried:

ACID Pro 10 Suite: (I clicked this link and got this page:)

"Your are now leaving the community.
You will be automatically forwarded in 2 seconds. To continue immediately, simply click"

I was then re-directed to a download site: I got this message:

"Transfer expired
Dang, looks like your transfer has already expired.
Doesn’t seem right? Find out more"

I was signed-in to my Magix account, I tried making a free account with and signing-in to that, I disabled my security settings for the WeTransfer site on Firefox and finally tried the whole process using Chrome instead. I got the same result - no "Download Expired." I'm reading all the comments here about the beta download and no one else seems to be having this problem?

MarcoStorm wrote on 7/29/2020, 1:59 AM

Dear @Doug-Griffin,

this version ( is already released. You should get that version with the auto update.

Best regards,


Matt-Francis wrote on 7/30/2020, 6:33 AM

Dear @Doug-Griffin,

this version ( is already released. You should get that version with the auto update.

Best regards,


Marco, is there any chance we can get an option to disable the automatic adding of a loop segment at the start of a track in a future update please? It's kind of annoying and I don't know why it was added.

MarcoStorm wrote on 7/30/2020, 8:22 AM

Dear @Matt-Francis,

I have created a ticket for that issue and put that on our todo list, because this seems to be a big issue for many users.

Best regards,


Matt-Francis wrote on 8/1/2020, 7:36 AM

Dear @Matt-Francis,

I have created a ticket for that issue and put that on our todo list, because this seems to be a big issue for many users.

Best regards,


Great to hear. Thank you very much. Just want to add I'm really enjoying the new additions to Acid and appreciate the work you guys are doing.

sheppo wrote on 8/5/2020, 10:51 AM

Dear @Matt-Francis,

I have created a ticket for that issue and put that on our todo list, because this seems to be a big issue for many users.

Best regards,


Awesome news! praying this will also fix the render to track option. And the audio will be added to the timeline at the rendered selection, not the beginning of the timeline

jd-scogin wrote on 8/5/2020, 6:20 PM

I would love to buy Acid 10 Pro if you would fix this issue:

Sonama Wire Drum Core:

6.6.19: Acid Pro 9 and 10 with Windows VST3 support was released. Initial tests: while DC4 shows up as a VST3 and is a selectable option, DC4 cannot be added to a project. To elaborate, typical VST3s show up in the plug-in manager list, where DC4 does show up. VST3s must be dragged from this list to the timeline to instantiate the plug-in, but for DrumCore 4 it does not instantiate. Sonoma will look into this problem to try to resolve it. Sony Acid 7 and 8 (Win) support VST2 only (DC4 requires VST3 support), so DC4 is incompatible with 7 and 8.

Earth_Balm wrote on 12/6/2020, 2:31 PM

It's good to have the time to create Music using Acid Pro again after many years away.

Former user wrote on 12/6/2020, 7:56 PM

It's good to have the time to create Music using Acid Pro again after many years away.

Absolutely! Aside from all the issues we are dealing with, I am happy that I am back on it and music has definitely taken a new turn for me. I don't see myself being as fast and creative on anything else other than Acid Pro. I am just hoping Magix is seriously working on the problems and anxiously waiting for the original or (ver.7) GUI. It was much easier on the eyes for me.

Former user wrote on 12/6/2020, 7:59 PM

For some crazy reason, I still can't get my AP10 to use my mp3 format of music. No matter what I've done to fix this problem, it still doesn't work. Can Someone please help me out with this. I'm really beginning to give up on Acid Pro. I have projects to complete and now that I upgraded to 10 my 9 is doing the same. I uninstalled the 9, hoping this would change something, but it didn't.




Whoa! I thought I was the ONLY one with this issue. Glad I read through this thread. Have you found a solution to this? I even turned off Win Defender completely to see if that helps but Acid Pro 10 just doesn't want to open MP3s. Please reply if either you fixed it or still not working. Thank you.

mujo-mustafalic wrote on 12/9/2020, 12:58 PM

i have the same problem i try to drag and drop but still nothing. any update on this

emmrecs wrote on 1/16/2021, 3:53 AM


Welcome to the Magix user to user forums.

Unfortunately your first post, asking about how to set the folder for saving recordings in AP7, has been posted to a thread announcing the Beta releases of AP10!

Please do not hijack another user's thread by posting questions which are nothing to do with the subject of that thread, but rather start a new thread with your question in the main Acid area of the forums.

In the meantime I have hidden your post to this thread.

Forum Moderator

Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, Audient EVO 16 audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

andrew-pgh wrote on 1/16/2021, 10:51 AM

Thank you Jeff. I wish there was a better way to thank you that I could find besides posting here. This forum is quite unlike others I have used in the past. I am lost as to how to navigate.

emmrecs wrote on 1/16/2021, 11:14 AM


I see you have found the right place to post your question! Hopefully, someone who has Acid will see it and be able to help you.


Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, Audient EVO 16 audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam