
Rana wrote on 11/5/2010, 12:41 AM

About four years back my elder daughter asked me a question “How will the world be when I grow up”…this innocent question actually forced me to think a lot as I just could not give her an answer because the true picture of reality is certainly a very very unpleasant one….

….our forefathers in their quest to make life comfortable through Industrialization and mass consumerism have also left us with some unique challenges or call them opportunities whether to be remembered as a response-able and responsible generation to ensure sustainability of resources for our future generations or we can simply close our eyes and let the things take their own course of action.

Being my response to her question led to the creation of my social cause which I pursue under the name of BioRhythm.


It is good to assume that Industry will cut down production, a country will give up on its nuclear program, the decision makers will divert trillions of dollars being spent on space exploration, new weapons development & testing, fashion shows and on media towards resource conservation and protecting the environment just upon requests being made to them. We are all aware of the reality as the truth slaps our faces each day.

BioRhythm is not another NGO, pressure group, or a non profit organization trying to highlight the importance of protecting the resources / environment by “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” concepts, requesting people to join hands for a beach cleaning day or pursuing Green cause. All these are commendable initiatives and are fully supported by BioRhythm; however, nature has set its own game rules when it comes to SURVIVAL. The bigger fish has and will always eaten up the smaller fish. Does anyone believe that a bigger fish will spare the smaller one upon his request? If the small fish needs to survive, it has to live smart, manoeuvre, eat other smaller fishes to become FIT enough so that other big fishes think twice before making an attempt.

“Survival is not mandatory but is a choice” and is unfortunately not an outcome of charity, empathy or compassion. To survive one needs to act to protect him. The challenge which has been taken up by Bio Rhythm is visionary and mammoth in magnitude since this war for survival is being played on the same ground rules upon which all other games of destruction are being played i.e. Commercialism.
My fan page at Face Book provides some more information on other causes for common good and some photos… join hands with BioRhythm at

BioRhythm does not ask for or accept any charity or donation!!!

BioRhythm currently protects a few million square feet of land, approximately 50,000 trees and hundreds of species are living freely under the protection of BioRhythm.

For my fans who are already with me on Face Book and will be joining till 31 December 2010 to promote awareness about the cause, I will dedicate a tree to each of them for a year covering the period 01 January, 2011 to 31 December, 2011.

About the cover picture.
Levi Van Veluw is an emerging young talent in the Netherlands. His photos are self portraits which are drawn and photographed all by himself in which he modifies his face as an object. These are not meant to be portraits, instead they are "an information-rich image of colour, form, texture, and content."
Since having graduated from the Artez Art School in Arnhem the Netherlands, Levi van Veluw has enjoyed a remarkable amount of success in a short period of time, with his work being showcased in several different locations across Europe and the States, earning him a number of prestigious awards that include the Photographer of the Year Award at the IPA International Photo Awards in the USA.


Former user wrote on 11/5/2010, 12:54 AM

your musical wideness & social encouragement shows a big heart and understanding! good to have you here!

LEFTHANDER wrote on 11/5/2010, 1:44 AM

Hi Rhana,


Ein sehr gefühlvoller Song .......die Quelle der Inspiration hast Du ja Preis gegeben...die Musik hat leichte europäische Züge aus einem anderem Jahrhundert.

Das völlige Gegenstück zu Deinem vorherigen Song.


Lg in die wärmeren Gefilde aus dem stürmischen Norden.



SpriteBat wrote on 11/5/2010, 1:45 AM

This is a truly noble project. The song displays your strong beliefs and passion. As always, I like the uniquly exotic sounds and uncommon instruments. The fast "flute" (not sure of its actual name) melody compliments the fairly slow beat. Interestng vocals too. Very good work! 5*

Brandenburg wrote on 11/5/2010, 2:08 AM

not many words ..... the song is excellent. The rhythm is smooth driving and takes one. The melodies flatter. These ultra voices I do not like so much. This is for my taste. Why do not you speak your own messages
It is better to criticism of his friend, as the kiss of the enemy.


Former user wrote on 11/5/2010, 2:13 AM

Ganz wunderbar, lieber Rana!

Very nice!!!


Beamish-Spartano wrote on 11/5/2010, 3:38 AM

Das ist eine Sehr Gute und Schöne Geste von dir, Bäume sind ein Wichtige Bestandteil in Unseren Leben,

Ich Wünschte mir es Gebe Viel mehr Menschen die so Denken!

Exzellente Musik, Herzlichen Gruß dein Freund Joachim!

Hallo Musikfreunde,  jeder hat mal Probleme mit das Abmischen seine Musik der eine weniger als der Andere, ich Biete euch an für ein Kleine Betrag, das Abmischen eure Musik zu Übernehmen, bei Interesse bitte Hier oder in mein Solo Profil Anmelden, Alles andere werde ich euch bei Interesse Informieren, herzlichen Gruß Spartano!  

B59fly wrote on 11/5/2010, 4:28 AM

Du bist sehr vielseitig. Ein wunderschöner Song mit viel Gefühl.

Former user wrote on 11/5/2010, 4:37 AM

In spite of your two invitations, I do not have to see fit to comment on your previous music accompanied with the " small guide of the perfect businessman " which I found inopportune, yes inopportune after the financial crisis which in fact many victims, also by forgetting to mention the respect there for the lowest, certain values and principles are me expensively... This time I answers your invitation because any altruistic and disinterested action must be supported, of more the respect for the nature been a part of my values...

marechal wrote on 11/5/2010, 4:41 AM

Héllo  rana .  bonne  idée .  super musik   5*    .excellent   song .bravo . bonne  journée. marechal..

Former user wrote on 11/5/2010, 4:57 AM


ich finde du hast das Thema musikalisch perfekt umgesetzt.

Unsere Natur ist unser Leben ohne sie,

würde es uns sehr schlecht gehen.

Gefällt mir sehr sehr gut.


mfg Conny

nihon94 wrote on 11/5/2010, 5:19 AM

I love art very much as I clicked the link to this song I saw cover design which is very good.

Then I proceed to press the Play button and found a nice piece of music.

About your Text message when I will get time I will read with Tea or Coffee.


Thank you for sharing music and your thoughts.






( . )



Former user wrote on 11/5/2010, 6:10 AM

Höre ich auch zum ersten Mal -:Ist ganz gut geworden -:Für Easy listening sind die Drums recht hart -:Finde ich aber gut sowas -:Gefällt mir!



Former user wrote on 11/5/2010, 7:54 AM

Hello Rana,
I enjoyed listening to your music. You have implemented the idea wonderfully natural in a place to give your song. We all need and that everyone should be aware of.

It's a special Song, exellent ......


LG Sigrid

TommyG wrote on 11/5/2010, 8:00 AM

A wonderful ambient work with some certain ethic flavors. Interesting mood, which you built up here. Is this your recent way starting a set of "world music"? If yes, I 'm longing for the next productions, seems to be a nice and surprising musical concept.


bluebox wrote on 11/5/2010, 10:11 AM

Great Ambient work.

I like the sound, I feel it is like the mayas.



StoneFace wrote on 11/5/2010, 11:37 AM

Hi Rana, what can I say ..... except ...
I like excellent and comes in my favorite ...


Beautiful World Music


Unfortunately, this is just a drop in the ocean.
Although there are more drops but it is too slow....

As long as every day tons of food to be disposed of,
donate to needy people instead ....
as long as the greed for money and power are important,
as long as nothing will change ...


best regards

Former user wrote on 11/5/2010, 11:58 AM

Hello my friend,

a Worl Music of Grand-Class - Hypnotic Ethnic sound that frees the mind and it calms the soul .. I listening this musical work and it calm the soul ... we are in perfect tune... and I'll listen it again and again .. great work .

I wish for you and your family all the best and love

Your friend

Antonio Fiorillo

5***** and +++++

jorual wrote on 11/5/2010, 12:56 PM

Hallo Rana,


Nice music you have composed.While listening made me an idea of how important it is

for the nature preserve for the future of our children. Without it life is destroyed and we shall then.

Much respect to associations such as you describe for the sake of humanity.

I will take a look at the link you left.


Regards Joaquin

Scrutinizer wrote on 11/5/2010, 1:13 PM

respect, good spirit ,great sound

holie wrote on 11/5/2010, 1:39 PM

Dear friend,


basically, it's not necessary, to join all these commentaries something else thereto !

Dietmar, Antonio, Joaquin  . . . all friends here feel what you are sending !


My greatest respect to you is certain. My respect and empathy to all of this,  what activated you to write this song.


with love and affection !   karin

NurMusik wrote on 11/5/2010, 1:50 PM

Wow... this a great song. My children have ask me the same question... but i have no answer. I am no man who can look into the furure.. but in my mind, the future will be darker.



Great work




LG Jerry

wm66 wrote on 11/5/2010, 2:50 PM english is so bad...

Your song..?


I like it



Former user wrote on 11/5/2010, 4:09 PM

hi mahmood


interesting questions




mfaucher wrote on 11/5/2010, 4:52 PM

Hello Rana.
A very deep concept.  Very good sound and atmosphere. My thoughts are with you and your project. It's refreshing to know there are still people like you
Best regards,
