

beabea wrote on 12/30/2010, 5:08 PM

...kann damit nicht wirklich was anfangen...aber das spielt keine rolle...denn deine musik klingt für mich in sich stimmig...du hast eine botschaft...und der sound kommt schön und klar rüber...wenn es dich freut, freut's mich auch...

District-Handsom wrote on 12/31/2010, 9:14 AM

i like this one, i like ur sound too,

Tosimil wrote on 1/7/2011, 10:17 AM

Hallo Rana, ein super Track,wie alles was von dir kommt. Gruß Tosimil

musiktrack wrote on 1/7/2011, 4:52 PM

Muß meine Meinung mit der von "beabea" teilen, habe aber Respekt vor jeder musikalischen Arbeit.

Echt cool!!! Good work!

doggda wrote on 1/8/2011, 10:22 AM

That one's definitely in the "Fantastic" category - as it combines a lot of styles (I've hear Irish-like, Indian-like) in an absolutely marvellous way.

The vocals, the drums, the bass, the combinations of the sounds....all simply fantastic.


If I could make decisions on the content of the next Cafe del Mar - CD this song would be on it !!!!


Congratulations !!!!

ALBIrecords wrote on 2/3/2011, 6:53 AM

hallo rana,


ich habe erst jetzt die zeit, die ganzen song die mir geschickt wurden anzuhören...


dafür aber mit herzensblut...


also: Dein song gefällt mir sehr gut... ich wusste gar nicht, dass man sowas schönes aus minimal-samples


machen kann...traumhaft schön*****,


viele grüsse, albi

Ray2000 wrote on 2/8/2011, 2:21 PM

Ein super Track.



Former user wrote on 2/12/2011, 3:45 PM

Per me sei una sorpresa. Bella musica (non solo Questa) si sente qualcosa di mediorientale, piccoli passaggi in un insieme di armonie veramente gradevoli. Ciao 

Securityman wrote on 2/18/2011, 10:50 PM

Another cool song Rana! Love the mixture of instraments.

Oldtimer wrote on 2/19/2011, 11:04 AM

great job and very interestings sounds 5*

Former user wrote on 3/23/2011, 5:31 AM

Un vero capolavoro che lascia sospesi e misteriosi anche nella musica. Un brano delicato ma con emozioni e sorprese.Ciao,      A true masterpiece that leaves suspended and mysterious also in the music. A delicate passage but with emotions and surprises.Hi

Sphyras wrote on 9/7/2011, 4:43 PM

good spiritual song

I hear in all songs  from you

the oriental sounds.




Brandenburg wrote on 11/9/2011, 2:50 AM

sehr guter treibender  Drive - der Sound stimmt auch - gefällt mir!!!

