Por Acaso (Version 2024)

Paulo.Costa wrote on 4/2/2024, 8:58 PM
Tags: Other


Anoiteceu e a gente ainda está aqui
nós somos responsáveis
por nossos atos oh sim

baby sei de tudo agora
sei que você também sabe
depois de um certo tempo
mas creio que tudo irá ficar bem
bem, depois que nos ficarmos
entre quatro paredes
entre quatro paredes

não adianta mais
não adianta ficarmos tristes
nesta festa
nessa boate alegre
alegre e feliz
até parece
que alguém estava olhando para você
mas na verdade você está só
mas na verdade
você nunca esteve com ninguém.



SEA-K wrote on 4/2/2024, 10:23 PM

Wow Paulo, you kicked some serious butt with this one. I love it. Structure is outstanding. Your voice is blended very well, and the lyrics are interesting Yes, I can match up your cover with some sunny beach in South America. A perfect match for the Latin hit I am hearing, Excellent performance, my friend Paulo.


Paulo.Costa wrote on 4/2/2024, 10:42 PM

Wow Paulo, you kicked some serious butt with this one. I love it. Structure is outstanding. Your voice is blended very well, and the lyrics are interesting Yes, I can match up your cover with some sunny beach in South America. A perfect match for the Latin hit I am hearing, Excellent performance, my friend Paulo.


Hugs hugs hugs My Friend @SEA-K thanks thanks Taaanks My Friend Chris..

Jochen-S wrote on 4/3/2024, 4:55 AM

Class Paulo,
another nice song from you…
Many greetings and hugs to you 💪🙏

Semelles-de-Vent wrote on 4/4/2024, 6:40 AM

super groove, super chant! belle song romantique et mélancolique

Vio-Project wrote on 4/5/2024, 11:49 AM

Yes, my friend - this song of yours is perfect again! Very well sung! Very nice lyrics - cool music - fantastic sound! A listening pleasure! 👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯💯👌👌👌👌👌👑👑👑👑👑

Best wishes and greetings from Sylvio 😎

Paulo.Costa wrote on 7/6/2024, 12:47 PM

Sehr gut und gerne gehört.😊🙂

lg Hartmut

Thanks my Friend @Hartmut-alias-hartmutmusik

Paulo.Costa wrote on 7/6/2024, 12:49 PM

Yes, my friend - this song of yours is perfect again! Very well sung! Very nice lyrics - cool music - fantastic sound! A listening pleasure! 👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯💯👌👌👌👌👌👑👑👑👑👑

Best wishes and greetings from Sylvio 😎

Thanks my Friend Sylvio @Vio-Project hugs hugs hugs

Paulo.Costa wrote on 7/6/2024, 12:50 PM

super groove, super chant! belle song romantique et mélancolique

Thanks you @Semelles-de-Vent my Friend all the Best

Last changed by Paulo.Costa on 7/6/2024, 12:50 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

WhatsApp: 5596981275098 😂😂😂😀😆💯😛😝😜😜😜😜😜😜👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🙌👏👏👏👏👌✌️👀